Chapter 2

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I snarled and swung my sword at the trespassing and smuggling trader.

I worked as a Controller. To put it into easy terms, I checked whoever wanted to pass our borders like trader's or pendlers. If they wanted to be on our beloved planet than they had to pass me or other controllers first.

I didn't want to be a Controller at first, but I got paired with this task. Our planet had a thing for strength, fighting, sparring, hunting, which is why most have wanted to become warriors, but what could you even do with a planet filled with warriors? We would have neglected our duties and fell into even more chaos. Even though the government has decided to pair everyone with a task:

Firstly didn't mean that everyone liked it.

Secondly I didn't mean that we have abandoned our ideals.

The smuggler tried clawing me with his hand. Fairly easy with claws and and scales to protect his flesh. My sword seemed to leave shallow blows for an untrained eye. But I knew better and I knew were to hit.

He tried to smuggle plants from our planet to turn them into drugs. For us completely harmless and ineffective, but for most others: a heavy drug.

The plants grew simply everywhere around our planet and we let them. We didn't want to destroy our planet.

Our planet looked comparably sad now. Depressing almost. The reason was the lack of females. We  didn't have them after a horrible incident anymore. Our species, also called the Volario, is heading towards extinction. Left alone to die a horrible death.

It was our tendency towards perfection that has ruined us as a species. We have tried to bring our kind to perfection by manipulating our gene's and most importantly the gene's of the still unborn. Woman who were expecting were partly ordered, partly left the choice of being a part of an experiment. Change in future, was the name of the experiment, so in short CIF. Our scientists have wanted to maximize our capabilities such as hunting, fighting, general reaction time. We were suppossed to be the best species in the universe. That was the dream of many scientists

It all went wrong though.

By changing the gene's of an unborn, we have reduced the chances of survival for it by nearly a hundred percent. They were destined to die after a certain amount of time. At first we saw that the first embryos who have been changed didn't show any diseases, changes in appearance and so on. It was the mean reason to deem the experiment safe and made the other woman participate as well.

We were wrong.

The embryo took necessary proteins, carbs, etc. from their mothers,  which has gone unnoticed for a long time. But they showed signs of thinning. Until we realised that the embryos have killed their mothers through that process it was way too late.

The embryos weren't far enough to be able to live and survive on their own as well. The particiapants have died. All expacting females suddenly gone.

It caused panic to grow and spread in our kind. A significant part of our population was gone and the remaining had even more value now.

Value that have seemed to increase by a thousand.

I blocked his clawing motion. Clearly unimpressed by his fighting skills.

The smuggler was outskilled.

A smug smile returned on my face as my strike hit the smugglers shoulder and slashed his scales of.

A shriek erupted from him. He turned to run away.

But I won't let him escape.

We were never the kind to discriminate or being sexiest in the first place.

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