"Hmm seems like something I would do" I said and turned and walked away from him, before I could take a step I heard him say something I wished at this moment I wasn't able to.

"Malivore is not defeated Hope Mikaelson" my fists clenched tightly , no he's messing with me, he can't be right I know I jumped in here to save my friends, the love of my life and the school and left them behind, letting them all forget about me I couldn't possibly have let Naruto forgotten me and now achieved my goal it's wasn't possible.
I shut my eyes willing my tears not to fall and took a calming breath.

"You're lying" I said softly without turning around to face him.

"Am I? Now why would I do that ?" His tone was light and airy like he didn't have a care in the world.

"Why would you tell me this in the first place ? Since you worked so hard to make him rise ?"

"I have my reasons" I sighed and unclenched my fists turning on my heel facing the pale curly haired bastard.

"Well you've got my attention talk?"

" well I'd like us to strike a deal" he said smiling with a evil glint in his eye, god it's like dealing with an even more annoying Landon except this one has a 'I'm better than you' kind of air around him.
Naruto POV

It's been about two months since Hope jumped into Malivore and I've been driving all over the country to find these triad bases, from the information I got from the guys in Georgia who so generously provided them. I found another warehouse in Houston,a place called Pasadena I sincerely hoped it wasn't a hick town.

The drive was a couple of hours I created a shadow clone while I caught up on some rest. The information these people had given me so far was nothing important, kept repeating they didn't know who gave the orders though it was someone from their head office in Pasadena.How on earth had this organization gone undetected so long I have no idea.

I understand their mission in removing dangerous creatures who would threaten the humans as a whole race like dinosaurs,dragons or fucking hydras but now they want to wipe out all forms of supernatural life in the name of god. I outright laughed in that guys face as he gave me a lecture of an ideal world where humans are the only apex predators and the supernatural are abominations, mistakes of nature that needed to be eradicated.

They sure had a warped view of the world if they thought human beings were the apex predator I'm pretty sure some animals in the jungle would have a major problem with that but I digress so yeah no new information other than them viewing supernaturals as abominations.I called rick to update him about my findings the man nearly got a heart attack when he realized it wasn't just the school who would've been in trouble but every supernatural creature in the world.

I saw the signs that I was now entering Pasadena, I drove to where the warehouse was, I pulled up on a gravel road, and decided to go on foot from here.

I suited up wearing a black tight turtleneck,black pants and a pair of boots I half covered my face with a mask and changed my hair color to black so I wouldn't be recognizable to these people if caught on camera.I ran through the branches of the trees, applying chakra to my feet to keep me from falling.
I had two pouches attached to my thigh, one with kunai the other with shuriken courtesy of the foxes. I'm still not convinced Ren doesn't steal these tools from the forest of death.

A new legacy:Secrets RevealedМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя