Two minutes, for Toothless, for dad, for Gobber, for the gang, for Astrid. I thought.

I grabbed it and stabbed the shark hard. It backed up and I flipped it over, it passed out. I swam up and a wave crashed me in shore.

My vision blurred.
"Hiccup... Hiccup?!?" I heard Astrid ask.

I turned to see her, hovering weakly above me. Her face full of pain and worry.
"Hiccup, are you... Oh my Thor! Your shoulder!" She said.

Elsa was on the phone with 911.
"Astrid...It's ok... It's not the end if the world...J-just the end of me..." I forced out shakily.

She teared and cradled​ my head.
"Don't say that... You... We'll get through this... All of and me... You''re going to be fi...fin- leg! Hiccup!" She cried.

I heard sirens. She looked up and back at me. The dogs ran up and Toothless whined and laid next to me, licking my face softly.
"Take care of him? F-for me?" I asked everything going dark.

"Hiccup? Hiccup!?! HICCUP!" Everyone called to me, but I was already gone.


I was in my room, sitting on the edge of my bed while my foot was being wrapped. They had put me to sleep do they could stitch up my foot. They were wrapping it so it doesn't get infected.
"Alright, Ms. Hofferson. You'll be on crutches for a few weeks." The nurse informed me while helping me onto my crutches.

"Thank you. How's...How's Hiccup?" I asked.

Her face fell.
"Do you really want to know?"

I nodded.
"You may want to sit down."

My heart was throbbing painfully in my chest as I lowered myself back down.
"We had to put hundreds of stitches in his left shoulder. A few in his head and...We are amputating his foot."

My heart stopped. I couldn't breath, my vision blurred.
"Astrid?!? Astrid!" I heard someone call.

I fell over, they caught me and set me on their chest. My vision cleared and but my breathing became shallow and desperate.
"Astrid?!?" Heather asked looking down at me with worry.

The others were in my room.
"What happened?" Snoutlout asked.
"They....Their amputating his leg." I rasped tears falling.

Everyone gasped, I began to sob with Heather, Merida, Rapunzel, Elsa, Anna. Everyone else just stood there, blinking, trying to register what I said

We stood in silence. The nurse came in.
"Which one of you is Astrid?" She asked.

I stood shakily.
"Come, Hiccup needs you." She snapped helping me out the door.

I felt Merida and Elsa glaring at me as I was lead to his room. He was in a bed, eyes closed, face scrunched up in pain, sheets tucked up to his chest. I sat down next to him and held his hand.
"Astrid....Astrid..." He mumbled.

Tears came to my eyes, I hated seeing him like this and they fell. The nurse left, after a while, Mala and Heather came in.
"He looks awful." Heather muttered quietly sitting next to me.

I didn't acknowledge her.
"Astrid? We're​ all scared, you need rest. You were attacked to. It's what Hiccup would-" Mala started.

"It's my fault. If I didn't cut my foot on that rock, If I didn't let him fight that shark, he wouldn't be like this. It should have been me." I cried.

They hugged me.
"Then you would be like this. And Hiccup would be in your place. We have to be strong, for him." Heather said.

Toothless walked in, whining, he jumped up and rested his head in my lap, sniffing Hiccup's hand.
"You're right..." I sighed.
"Ladies... We're closing now, you need to leave. I'll let the front desk know you'll come back tomorrow." The nurse informed us.

I nodded, forcing myself to stand. Hiccup's hand tightened on mine. I smiled softly, but sadly and kissed his forehead.
"I'll see you tomorrow..." I whispered against his forehead.

Heather and Mala smiled and helped me out of the room, opening the doors and we all left. My limo pulled up and we all got in. Driving to my house in silence. We all got out and went inside. We turned on the TV and watched Greys anatomy.
"I hope Hiccups going to be ok..." Rapunzel said.

I stiffened.
"Yeah, me to." Everyone said.

I noticed Merida and Elsa glaring at me.
"What?" I asked.

Toothless and Stormfly who had been laying down with each​ other on the couch with me, heads shot up staring at them.
"Hiccup wouldn't​ be in this position if it weren't for you!" Merida said.

I blinked.
"Merida's right. This is your fault!" Elsa snapped.
"Elsa, what the heck?" Anna asked.
"Merida?!?" Rapunzel asked.

The gang glared at them.
"Shut up! We got this." They snapped standing.

Toothless and Stormfly growled at them.
"Ay, have nothing to say do ya? Letting a shark get at Hiccup? Yer weak." Merida glared.
"She's right. It should have been you." Elsa sneered.

Hot tears came to my eyes. I stood, easing on to crutches and made my way to the stair case.
"You don't think I feel the same?!?" I asked loud enough for them to hear me, climbing the stairs, incredibly fast for being in crutches​.

"Astrid!" the group called.

I didn't stop. Stormfly​ and Toothless scratched at my door, I slammed it opened it and they ran in. I  slammed the door behind me, throwing my crutch to the side and flopped down on my bed, sobbing.

Why did it have to be him?!? Why?!? I thought.

The doors opened.
"Astrid!" Someone​ shook me for attention.

I was pulled into a group hug, I never stopped crying. When I did, I was shocked to see Anna and Rapunzel. But not so shocked to see Heather and Mala.
"Astrid..." Heather said.
"Their right...It is my fault..." I whispered.

Rapunzel made a face and knelt in front of me.
"No, no it's not. They are jealous that Hiccup likes you more. They are taking it out in you because they know, there is nothing you could have done." She assured me, giving me a  hug.
"Thanks guys." I whispered.

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