Chapter Five

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Hiccup's POV

Everyone except Heather had left already and Astrid was picking up all the sketches, placing them neatly in her folder and put it in her backpack.
We had finished cleaning, and Heather took Windshear home. Stormfly woke up when she heard Astrid calling out a farewell to Heather, but poor Toothless, who's head was on her back, slipped off and hit the ground softly. We laughed, deciding that nothing could wake him up.

I scooped up the little dog and placed him in my jacket, Astrid held the door open for us as I walked out.
"Same time tomorrow?" I asked.

She smiled.
"See you then. Night night Toothless." She smiled closing the door.

I smirked and walked to my house, which was only twenty minutes away. I opened the door and took Toothless upstairs I put him on my bed and went back down.
"Hello son. Where were ya?" My dad asked.
"At Astrid's." I said getting a drink from the fridge.
My dad came up and clapped me on the back.
"Thor o'matey! First day of school and are girls already all over ya!" He laughed.

I smiled and sat down across from him
"Kinda. We have almost every class together, but I was at her house with some friends. We were working on a project." I said.
"Still counts." He smiled, throwing me a wink.

Mildrew walked in, as moody as ever, obviously drunk.
"Stoick? Ya gonna miss ya plane!" He grumbled.

My dad's eyes widened.
"Oh, yes, Hiccup, I'm going to a meeting in New York. I'll be gone for a few weeks. Gobber will stay in my room till I get back, he'll be arriving tomorrow. I'll see you soon." He said.
"Ok.... Bye dad." I forced out a normally as I could.
"Goodbye, son." He said closing the front door.

I trembled with fear, I'm staying home with Mildrew, for weeks. Gobber will be out filling in for dad...
Oh no.... Toothless... I have to protect Toothless. I thought.

Mildrew dropped and wrinkled hand on my shoulder, causing me to wince.
"You know what this means boy-o..." He said evilly.


Astrid's POV

I walked into Art and sat down mentally going over my to-do list. It's second day of school which means all the homework starts today.
...dragon day in two months which is when the projects due, and student council elections start in a week. I reminded myself.
I already turned in my application. First one in.

I noticed the whole group had arrived except for Hiccup. Just as soon as that thought finished in my head , he had sat down as the bell rang, he had a unzipped hoodie under his leather jacket. His hood was up.

"Mr. Haddock, please, remove your hood." Ms.Brylium asked.

He sighed and lifted his hood. I gasped; he had a huge black eye.
"Hiccup?" I asked.

Ms. Brylium came over and noticed.
"Mr. Haddock, what happened?" She asked.
"N-nothing..." He responded.
"That, boy, does not look like nothing. Ms. Hofferson, please, take him to the nurse."
"Yes Ma'am. Come on Hiccup." I said grabbing my bag.

He sighed and grabbed his to. We arrived at the nurse, upon seeing Hiccup's black eye, she shot up and went for some ice.
"Hiccup? What's wrong? And what happened?" I asked as he sat down.
"Astrid, please?" He asked, implying that he didn't want to talk about it.

I sighed.

The nurse came back.
"Hold him still." She said.

I grabbed his hand as she pressed the ice against his eye. He winced in pain and squeezed my hand. The nurse stood and disappeared into her office again. She came out with and ice pack and a paper towel.
"This is going to sting."
"Alcohol?" I asked.
"No, no. Vinegar." She said pressing it to his eye.

He winced harshly, reaffirming his grip in my hand. If I wasn't so worried about his well-being I would've blushed.
"Ok, it's seems as good as gone." She announced after twenty minutes.

Hiccup stood, letting go of my hand. He walked up to the mirror. His black eye was gone.
"H-how?" We asked.

She smiled.
"I didn't go to college for nothing. You should go feed your pups. It's lunch time. I hope you feel better..." She started holding out her hand to Hiccup.
"Haddock, Hiccup Haddock." He said shaking her hand.
We walked out to the dog house.

Stormfly and Toothless ran up to us when we opened Stormfly's door.
"Did you come see Stormfly?" Hiccup asked Toothless, giving him a belly rub.

I laughed, hugging Stormfly as she licked my face. The lunch bell rang, otherwise known, as the dog period. We got their collars and leashes, hooked them up, grabbed our lunches, and took them to the field. The whole school ran out. We grabbed three benches and sat down. We unhooked our dogs' leashes and they played in our area. The rest of the gang showed up and unhooked their dogs.

"So, did you guys see the new girl? She is hot!" Snoutlout said.
"Um...With one?" Ruff asked.
"There's more than one?!?"
"Um, yeah, all four of them are in art with us."
"There they are! Elsa! Anna!" Heather called.

Four girls came over with their pups. They sat down.
"Hi! I'm Elsa, and this is my sister, Anna."
"Hi!" Anna chirped cheerfully.

I studied them.
Elsa had blond hair, winter blond. She wore a sparkly ice blue top that showed her shoulders, dark blue jeans and white wedges. Her hair was pulled into a stylish fish tail braid.

Anna had red hair in pigtails. She had a blond streak like Elsa's running through her hair. She wore a sparkly green tank top, kaki skirt, and little brown boots.

"Hi, I'm Rapunzel, their cousin, and this is Merida."

I studied them.
Rapunzel had long, long, long sun blond hair braided down her back in a thick casual braid with thousands of flowers. She had huge, bright green eyes and she wore a little purple sun dress with wedges.

Merida had unruly bright red curly hair, blue eyes and she wore a blue taken top, white jacket, jeans, and sneakers.

"And these are our dogs, the black one is Angus, Merida's pup, the Labrador is Pascel, Rapunzel's pup, and the white one, Olaf, is Anna and mines." Elsa said sitting down with the others across from us.

"Hi, I'm Astrid, this is Hiccup, that's Heather, Mala, Ruff, Tuff, Eret, Fishlegs, and Snoutlout." I said pointing to everyone in turn.

"Nice to meet you all. So, Ms. Brylium said we are in your group. And so, is another kid...I think his name is... Dauger?" Anna said.

Heather gasped and I gasped at the mention of his name.
"Hi sis!" We heard someone yell.

Heather mouth dropped in disbelief and stood up, and buff kid with a spike red mohawk and a beard was waving to her. He wore a red shirt, Jean jacket, jeans, and sneakers. Heather stood and ran to him, Windshear at her heels who ran up to the little dog.

"Dauger! Your here!" She said hugging him.
"Yep! I'm moving in with you!" He said.

She smiled as they came over.
"Guys, this is my brother, Dauger." Heather said.
"Brother!" Dauger said crashing Hiccup in a hug.

He gasped for breath.
"H-hi Dauger...c-can't breathe..."
"Oops, sorry 'bout that. How are you? Shattermaster! Come here boy!"

Shattermaster ran to Dauger, but bumped into my leg. I bent down to scoop him up.
"Aw, your so cute. Here you go Dauger." I said handing Shattermaster to him
"Astrid! Fishlegs! Ruff? Tuff? Snot-hat!" Dauger said taking Shattermaster , realizing who we were.
"Hey!" We said.
"Who are these?" He asked gesturing to the new girls.
"This is Elsa, Anna, Rapunzel, and Merida, they are in our group." Heather said.
"Ok. Shattermaster is a Gronkle." Dauger said.
"Olaf is a Flightmare." Elsa said with Anna.
"Pascel is a Changewing ." Rapunzel smiled.
"Angus is a Night terror." Merida said.

The bell rang.
"Ok, let's meet at my house, meet me at the doghouse after school and we'll all go together. This time, we're doing Five guys." I said.

Hiccup laughed as we hooked up our dogs.

We all have same classes together, except seventh period, the last class. I noticed Elsa, and Merida smiling sillily at Hiccup in the hall. I didn't like it. Not one bit. 

Two worlds •Completed•Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora