Chapter 9: TVs

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I sit in your living room or in your bedroom waiting, knowing that I am the most important thing you own, I am the best way in which you can keep track of your pathetic world. It's all Ebola, Terrorists, and Celebrities. You people sicken me! That is why I wait, why I am patient. Because I know that at some point the rubber tube will split and I will flood the whole room with as much electricity as I can to catch something easy to set alight. As your house goes up in flames I will sit calmly watching as you run around trying to save all the things you love, photos, ornaments, children, and when you get a new house you will buy one of my brother's or sisters and the whole destructive process starts again because you have one flaw, you can't live without us.

I am a T.V. trapped in a cruel world that brings joy and destruction to others.

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