
"do you still remember when you met Jihyo?"

The memory of the two of the miraculously started flowing back in her memory. Sana was losing her breathing. 

"i guess without me, you wouldn't have remembered" he looked to the ground and back to Sana, "now, calm down and let it flow. Don't fight it" he took one of Sana's hand. 

Sana then remembered about her real dad(magically disppearing), how broken she was when Jihyo left her, how Jihyo scolded her, the time where Sana confessed to Jihyo, how Jihyo broke her.

Sana's head was spinning like crazy as tears fell down. He then brought her close and hugged her, "shhh, daddy is here now"

"they took you away from me and I won't leave you again, never"

"what about the school was it-"

"the school was made by me. I was sent away when you were only in middle school, I'm sorry"

"b-but you killed him.. the guy that..."

"he'll be fine. He's just unconscious, not dead. We will treat him don't worry. Follow me" he took Sana's hand and lead her outside the room.

Sana didn't want to believe at first but DNA tests, photos, videos, don't lie right? Especially the way everyone has been acting.

Right now, Sana just miss Jihyo a lot but she somewhat hates Jihyo. She doesn't want to hate Jihyo but the fact that it showed that Jihyo really leave her...

Sana really doesn't know what to feel for Jihyo anymore. She doesn't know who she is anymore..

"it hurts, doesn't it?" one of the guys sat beside Sana.

"what hurts?"

"you being far away from the person you love yet you don't know what to feel"

"what do you know about it?"

"I know that it hurts. It just tears you, doesn't it?"


the guy sighed and left Sana alone. Sana didn't questioned why he came. She just sat there in her sadness as she jumped to her bed and cried, just wanting to go to sleep.

Sana immediately got up and visited the guy she used to call "dad" which is also known as MIN. A very weird name so to speak.

"Mr Min.."

"Sana, I had to-"

"I don't want to hear it. I want to know what's going on. The whole truth"

"you'll have to ask Ms Park Jihyo for that"

"just tell me and everything will be solved, wouldn't it?"

"Sana.. Your dad is a dangerous man. One wrong move and you can say sayonara to everyone you hold dearly to you" Mr Min said as he sat back down, drinking his water.

"why does it have to be her?"

"Jihyo is probably asking the same thing right now" Mr Min said.

Sana got frustrated and ran out to wherever her feet can take her. Far away from home, far away from the neighbourhood.

Sana sat at a nearby bench, getting very tired. It started to pour but Sana couldn't care less.

"why does it have to be her?" Sana said to herself.

"why does it have to be you?"

"we will be rewriting the past and I hate that"

"we were meant to meet but not to be"

Those words of Jihyo's have been keeping her awake ever since.

"you're hurting? But you left me first.. but I don't want to believe that... you said..-"

"we'll always be together. This is only a goodbye"

"will everything be okay again? Why does it hurt so bad?" Sana said as she hid her face in between her knees.

"cry it all out" Sana felt someone hugging her. She didn't have to look up to know who it was.

"how did you know where I was?".

"just clearing my head when I saw you running so I chase after you"

Sana doesn't want to involve them but right now, she really needs a hug.

"I'm sorry, Nayeon"

"don't be. We all have our own secrets and reasons why we did them. If you don't want to tell us yet, it's okay. We'll wait. Don't force yourself" Nayeon said as she rubbed Sana's back.

"she left you, didn't she? This is what I was afraid of.."

"Nayeon.. I.. miss.. jihyo.."

"I know, I know. We all do. I miss chaeyoung too"

"I miss the boys, the two of them, everyone.."

"let it all out, Sana. Let it all out" Nayeon said and Sana did what she was told. Crying her heart out.

"Jihyo, if that was really was just a goodbye, then when will you be back?" Nayeon thought to herself as she continued to comfort Sana. 

From a further distance, Chanyeol and Chaeyoung were there. Chaeyoung was also crying alongside with them. Chanyeol patted Chaeyoung's head slowly as he watched the two girls. 

"it's for the best now" Chanyeol sighed.

"what about jihyo?"

"just keep her company for now, we need her focus than ever"

"Sana and Jihyo would have been so happy if it weren't for Sana's dad"

"let's not bad mouth now. It won't do any good. Any reports?" Chanyeol said. 

Chaeyoung has always been the Park's little cute spy. She is so cute that you won't even suspect that she was a spy so all this time, she has been spying on the girls. Even though, it hurts her to not be with them especially Sana, at least their safety is guaranteed but how sure are they?

Chaeyoung shaked her head as she looked down. 

"i understand that you can't let her go. I won't force you"

"thank you, Nayeon"

"of course, i know how it feels like because i can't let go of someone too and it still has been years. I just know you can do this, Sana. I'm here for you"

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