Chapter Twenty Six: Royals

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"Sing something that's not morbid, would you, Edd?" Robb teased as Eddmina finished up playing yet another old tragic war song, taking a swig of his wine and laughing at how theirs and Jon's wolves howled along with her strumming the last few notes on her lute.

Much like Robb and Eddmina, Grey Wind and Honour were joined by a tight bond that made them inseparable, and over the past week since Eddmina's arrival in Winterfell the wolves had grown considerably and she'd gotten to know hers very well. It had been Willas' idea to call her Honour, considering the way she sat so tall and noble, and on the first night she presented the pup to him he said the two were uncanny.

"It's as if she's you but in wolf form!" he had remarked in amusement, petting the little pup as she watched him warily before deciding he could be trusted, licking his hand. "Such a cautious and honourable little thing, I'm sure she'd fit in perfectly with the wolfhounds back home,"

The wolf pup was unlike any other animal Eddmina had encountered. She was curious and observant, yet when she was with the other wolves she was just as excitable. Eddmina wondered if she was the oldest of the pack and felt as though she had to be sensible to give off a good example, the way her own mother had lectured her to be for so long. Willas' comment about 'honourable' stuck, and so the pup's name became Honour, one that she thoroughly lived up to.

The couple had begun to train her together, and she was obedient and attentive. She slept at the bottom of their bed most nights, something that amused both of them, and in the week since they arrived in Winterfell, Honour had grown considerably. Still small, yet her paws had grown and her nose seemed longer, showing the potential of her size and how big she'd grow to be. The other wolves were just the same, and it was a real sight to see when they all ran about the courtyard chasing each other. The thought of seven unruly wolves lurking around Winterfell on the cusp of a royal visit gave Lady Stark a daily headache, which just added to Eddmina's amusement.

It was so good to be home to the point that Eddmina often forgot they were there for a royal visit. The royal party was due any day, and so while Eddmina and her family spent plenty of time together - rides with Jon and Robb, archery with Bran and Rickon, lunches with Sansa and Arya - the eldest three Starks decided to spend their last night before the royals arrival together, with the Tyrells of course. It turned out that Jon and Willas got on surprisingly well, and while Robb was still a little too protective over his sister to fully befriend Willas, he got on with Garlan excellently, and since Leonette could be friends with anyone, the six of them made a nice little group.

They decided to spend their last night of freedom in one of the little alcoves just off from the armouries, banned by Lady Stark from even going near the great hall since it had already been decorated. They were already going to annoy her by getting thoroughly drunk that night, they didn't want to aggravate her anymore than necessary. Jon had gotten a fire going so the three wolves were curled up in front of it together, while they humans sat around with goblets of wine and rum, chatting and laughing. Eddmina had her lute, so she would play songs and Leonette - unused to the strong northern spirits - would sing along, her voice loud and light. Whenever she laughed, Garlan would look at her with such amusement and adoration, and it made Eddmina's heart ache with the longing that her own husband would look at her like that when she wasn't looking.

"Play the blackbird one, love," Willas asked her with a smile, and she couldn't help but love how his eyes seemed to narrow whenever he smiled, feeling his hand squeeze her arm.

"I play that one all the time," she told him with a roll of her eyes.

"But it's my favourite," he reminded her before glancing over to Garlan as his brother filled his goblet up to the brim yet again. "Gods, do you wish to get me drunk?"

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