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Danny's pov
I cough a bit as i wake up, feeling like i had been steamrolled and deep fried as i slowly sit up, seeing Siren asleep at the foot of the bed and i softly reach over, shaking her and she wakes up." Hey sleepyhead." She giggles," you're the sleepyhead, you've been asleep all day." I chuckle," figured, it still hurts, what happened?" She looks hesitant," you were hit by lightning, and then stuck in your Ghost half, so i rushed you to the Zone, the yeti's fixed you up and dan brought us home. According to maddie i was in the Zone for about an hour, but i was in there long enough to gain your Ghost Sense." I nod," well i'm glad you did, even if it caused the sickness to get worse." She nod," its ok, your still half alive, so i have no regrets" i nod," did you tell sam and tucker?" She nods," sam almost exploded at me, but once i managed to get her to listen she calmed down." Her wings naturally flap as she talks, not entirely paying attention to them and i chuckle." Sounds like sam, but i think you should go get rest, you look wiped." She giggles," i know, but so do you, so how about we just both get rest, we have school in the morning." I nod," alright, agreed" i lay down, siren softly pulls a blanket over me and walks out, letting me close my eyes and sleep.
Siren's pov
I go outside, flapping my wings and i take off. I keep flying for quite some time before i land at the edge of town, curling up and i softly start crying." Why..... why do i have to wither away until i'm nothing but forgotten pieces of myself? I don't want to lose, i refuse! But nothing can stop the turning of these screws, it seems." I let my knees collapse and i slowly cry, eventually calming down and spreading my wings." I won't lose my cool or my head, i can't lose my soul, i have everything to lose. My power only hurts me. I didn't chose it, but i can loose my chains. After all, i have everything to lose." With that i spread my wings and i take off, flying extremely high, then diving for fenton works, landing with ease as i walk up to my room, sitting on my bed." I wish i could stop the turning of the screws"
/lets see who guesses what song i pulled the dialoge from, some bits of it are changed, so good luck!//

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