Flames of Pain

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Siren's pov
I step inside Fenton Works, thick storm clouds hanging over the city. I start heading up to my room when a blinding flash fills the livingroom and i hear danny screaming, coming from outside on the roof and instantly my wings are spread and i take off, phasing through the floors and i come to a stop with danny in phantom form, passed out with scorch marks covering the ground around him and i flap once, landing by him and i gently pick him up, knowing i wouldn't be able to tell if he was alive still. Only one name came to mind, Clockwork. I phase through the floors to the portal and maddie sees me and grabs my arm." What are you doing?" I say quickly," this ghost just got extremely hurt by a lightning strike, he does so much for Amity, i need to get him to someone who can help" Maddie nods," let me open the portal for you, good luck." I nod and once the portal is open i fly through, the numbing cold instantly wrapping around me and i start flapping hard, pushing myself as fast as i can go when i see Johnny 13's path and i call out," Johnny! We got a situation!" The sound of screeching tires reaches my ears as he pulls up and sees Danny in my arms." What happened?" "He got hit by Lightning, i panicked and rushed here, he's stuck in ghost state so i have no idea what just happened to him." Johnny nods," grab on, i'll take you to the Far Frozen, and then i'll head to Clockworks." I nod and i grip one of the bike handles and we're off, racing past realms and i can feel the cold creeping further, us stopping at the far frozen. I let go and nod in thanks, landing and i start walking, knowing if i flew my wings would freeze over. Johnny drives off and i listen, speeding up in my worry, slowly turning into a sprint and i leap over a ravine, only to realize it was too far of a jump and i scream as i wrap myself around Danny, closing my eyes as i fall. I land hard in a cavern, wincing heavily at the pain i'm in from the jagged ice, knowing Danny needed help." Hello! Anyone?!" A yeti turns and sees me carrying danny and they rush over, carefully picking up danny and he says," you brought him to the right place Guardian, he'll be safe, not like i can say the same for you though." I nod," i know, i took a bad hit getting him here, besides, i'm not supposed to be alive, so being here is dangerous, but i had to make sure he was safe." The yeti nods and he wraps me in a blanket, subtle heat flowing through my veins and i nod in thanks as he leads me through the icy caverns. The yeti takes Danny into the medical area and he pulls me along and says calmly," get in the cryo chamber, it'll keep you stable until someone comes to get you home." I nod and do so, an oxygen mask dropped in and i pull it on as the tube fills and ice covers my form, slowly slipping me off to sleep.
Dan's pov
The revving of a bike sounds outside Clockworks tower and i turn invisble before looking outside and seeing Johnny outside and i realize thats why i was feeling strange, something must've happened to my past self. He rushes in and i float down, listening in," Danny got struck by lightning, the Guardian brought him here, but she didn't look good herself." Clockwork pipes up, his age shifting as he speaks," She brought him here? She's sick, the longer she stays in the Zone, the worse she gets, where are they?" "The Far Frozen, they're the best to help purge an ice core of electricity" Clockwork sighs in partial relief." Good, they can stablize them both for now, thank you for helping them along." "Of course, after all, the Guardian stands in for the king of the Zone, since the King has no clue of his throne." "Right, and we are to keep it that way until the boy turns his adult years, so he can better handle the time management" Johnny says calmly," i'll be on my way now." I hear him leave before i float down," i only just realized what i felt Clockwork, this never happened." Clockwork nods, turning into a kid." I knew as much, but you and i both know the Far frozen can only help her so much before the decay hits her. You're fast enough to get her home, just take a spare robe and amulet, i'll time you out at the right moment." I nod, flying off.
Man, these chapters are getting fliping crazy bonkers
Banana pants, i'm actually trying to tone it down but my hands are faster then my own restraint lol, stay balanced- SIRABOOKS

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