Growing Pains

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Siren's pov

It's been a week or so since Dan's attack and thanks to my magic my wings are slowly healing toward a good point and i decide to ask Danny," hey Danny, maybe you could teach me to use my intangibility, since i still wake up half phased through the floor" Danny giggles, remembering this morning when he had found me like that, floating in my bed as if it were water, only my hands, face and knees were within reach for him to grab and pull me out." Yeah, might be a good thing, come on" i spread my wings and take off, a bit lopsided but i could fly well enough as Danny shifts and lifts off. We fly out to a safer spot, where we wouldn't wreck anything in town, landing softly. Around me is a course of different materials, Danny pipes up, saying," now that we know you have intangibility and that the first time wasn't just a fluke, now its time for you to learn how to use it. I had to figure this out by watching other ghosts and asking a few of them how it worked. Basically, imagine yourself becoming thinner then the object your passing through. It took more practice to get used to breathing while like that, although i may be half ghost, i still need to breathe pretty oftenly, and going intangible for long periods of time feels absolutly horrible, so i reccomend don't stay intangible longer then you have to, you can pretty easily pass out in that state." I nod," ok, teach me how then" he nods," first you'll want to know the type of thing your phasing through, the thinner it is, the easier, like here we have some paned glass, all the way up to fortified steel, don't ask how we got it." I giggle and i focus as i flap my wings, taking off and i focus on becoming thinner then the glass and i pass through, keeping flying through the next one, being wood, then easily passing through stone and i pass through the metal, solidfying and landing, exhastion wearing me down as i start catching my breath," did i do it?" Danny chuckles," good job, you managed to activate intangibility at will, and managed to pass through the tests i used to do in my first few weeks. We'll keep doing this course daily till you get strong enough to control it on a whim. And we'll increase these trials if you happen to gain more abilities." I nod," ok, just give me a second and i'll do it again." He shakes his head," your legs are already shaking, besides, you're still healing from Dan's Attack, these things take time, like growing pains, you don't like the pain they give, but in the end, the pain stretches you out and makes you taller." I chuckle," strange anology, but ok, lets head home." He nods and we fly home, the next few weeks pass and as i heal, the harder i train, keeping my accuracy perfect, the easier i slip through things, and the more schemes lie in the darkness of the Zone.

The Guardian of the DeadNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ