I completely wrapped myself around him; arms around his neck and legs around his waist.

"Tessa," He breathed out a sigh of relief as he pressed a tentative kiss to my lips before pressing his forehead against mine. "I'm sorry, baby. I'm so fucking sorry. I don't know what came over me."

"I'm just happy you're okay," I sighed as I kissed him once more.

Elijah sighed, allowing my legs to unwrap from around his waist as he settled me back unto my feet before glancing behind me and taking a huge step back, eyes wide. I immediately assumed he saw my father. I had completely forgotten he was standing behind us being too caught up with seeing Elijah.

"Officer McCarthy," Elijah greeted in a clipped tone as he regarded my father with cold eyes.

"Hastings," My father replied in a matching tone. "Now that you're done sucking faces with my daughter, you ready to hear the punishment you've got lined up for the stunt you pulled?"

"Punishment?" Elijah echoed with a scoff. 

"I just came off the phone with Jace's father. Jace is willing to not press charges against you as long as you offer him a formal apology," He said before glancing at me with a frown. "Both of you."

"What the fuck do you mean she has to apologize?" Elijah raged. I quickly clasped his hands into mine, giving it a firm squeeze of reassurance. "He was going to take advantage of her and you expect her to apologize? Not fucking happening. You can tell him to fucking forget it."

"I think this is a small price to pay for what you've done Hastings. As much as I believe you, there is no evidence to prove that Jace actually attempted anything with Tessa. There's one witness who would be considered null and void considering your personal relationship with him," My father explained. "It's out of my hands kid."

"You're the chief of fucking police! Can you not actually do something about this?" Elijah argued.

"Eli," I tugged his body towards me as he'd taken a few angry steps towards my father. "I know it's fucked up but I'm not gonna allow you to go to prison--because you do know that's where they're gonna send you right?" I asked.


"No," I shook my head. "I'm not going to let you leave me like that. You're not going to leave your family like that either. You know what this would do to them, Elijah."

His head dropped in defeat as he sighed as the realization of how the consequences of his actions would impact those he cared about. "Okay but are you sure you want to do this, Tessa? I'm not gonna force you to apologize to that bastard for me. Not after what he did to you."

"It's fine, I promise."

"Okay," He nodded, squeezing my hands. "We'll apologize to the dipshit."

"Okay. Now you're gonna have to spend the night here just as a formality. We'll head over to the hospital in the morning and get this over with."

Elijah and I nodded along to my father's words solemnly. I was grateful that Elijah's punishment wasn't too life altering. As much as it'd hurt me to face Jace tomorrow, I was willing to do it if it meant that Elijah wouldn't be sent to prison. He was already eighteen, he'd be charged as an adult with assault and battery, not to mention his few run ins with the law from before wasn't going to help his case at all.

"Dad, do you mind if we have a moment alone?" I asked as I glanced over my shoulder. "I'll be right out."

"Make it quick."

Once my dad had disappeared out the cell and down the hall, I turned to face Elijah once again.

"You and your dad okay now?" He asked with a raised brow. I could sense the distaste in his tone and I wasn't surprised considering the fact that Elijah wasn't exactly the forgiving type.

Saving EliHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin