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(Izuku POV)

After I left the room, I wandered my way to the announcement hall, on the way, I bumped into someone, I looked up to see a relatively tall boy with a wide frame, he had short dark blue hair that was flattened neatly down and parted on the right side of his head, a small patch completely shaved near the base of his head, and rather square eyes which match the notably pointed shape of his jaw.

"Oh, sorry, I wasn't paying attention," I apologised.

"It's quite alright, understandable in a situation as stressful as this one," the boy said, "my name is Tenya Iida, it's nice to meet you," he said as he bowed.

"It's nice to meet you too, Tenya, I'm Izuku Morales," I said with a smile, before I realised something, "oh, sorry for referring to you by your first name, I don't really talk with a whole lot of people and everyone my family knows is from America, so I'm used to a natural first name basis," I apologised.

"Understandable, may I ask what school you're from?" he asked.

"Oh, I used to go to a public school called Aldera, but I left after issues with my birth relatives," I said with slight venom when I got to talking about those people.

"Do you have problems with your family?" he asked as we started to keep walking to the announcement hall.

"My family? No, I was adopted after I ran from home, I don't consider the people I share blood with family," I explained to him, "real quick, I have a question, do you think someone quirkless can be a hero?" I asked.

"I am unsure, my elder brother, Tensei, used to go here and apparently, one of his friends often fought quirkless and even took down powerful villains, though I haven't met anyone quirkless myself, based on history, I'd say no, but there's always the possibility," he said, I smiled, "though I'm curious as to why you don't consider your blood relatives family,"

"It's nice to hear that, as to why, my parents neglected me and my sister abused me because I didn't develop a quirk," I told him to his surprise.

"You're quirkless?" he asked for clarification.

"Yes, I do have a power due to a science experiment, but it's not a quirk,"

"I apologise if I made you uncomfortable," he said with a 90 degree bow.

"It's alright, my adoptive family has helped me a lot since they took me in," I said, he straightened up, "there's no need to be so tense, fluidity should be natural for aspiring heroes,"

"What do you mean?" Iida asked.

"Well, heroism is a tough job, if you're always tense, you'll snap under pressure, like a candy cane, it's better to be elastic, able to bend to different situations, you're not always going to be able to follow the rules since villains likely won't give you a chance, that and panicking civilians aren't likely to be calm and rational, they'll be loud and irrational," I explained, he donned a thoughtful expression.

"That... makes sense actually, I'll take that to heart," he said as we entered the announcement hall, we split off since we had different placings, I sat down next to a guy with purple hair in desperate need of sleep.

"Hi there, I'm Izuku Morales, nice to meet you," I said while offering a hand.

"Hitoshi Shinsou," he said, "so, what's your quirk?" he then asked, it honestly sounded like a test, as if he felt that I would judge him for his.

"Don't have one," I said bluntly, his eyes widened.

"You're quirkless?"

"Yup, I do have powers, but they're not a quirk, and I'm still getting used to them, I've only had them for about 10 months," I explained, "how about you?"

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