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(Izuku POV)

Izuku's eyes opened to see white, he looked around, spotting Miles and Hailey. Hailey was resting her head on his shoulder, while Miles was resting his head on hers, their eyes soon closed, once they centred on him, looking back at them, they got up and rushed to him.

"Izuku, you alright?" Miles asked, Izuku smiled.

"Yeah, I'm fine" Izuku said, before moving to get out of the hospital bed, being stopped by Hailey.

'You're staying right there, and you will wait until the doctor clears you,' she said.

"But what about my family?" Izuku asked, worried they'd find him.

"The doctor saw your injuries and scars, and agreed to keeping your visit a secret, especially since all of your injuries are unregistered and apparently, are hospital level injuries," Miles explained, Izuku sighed in relief, the door opened.

"Ah, you're awake," said a voice, the three turned to see a short woman with a white lab coat that didn't fit her and a cane that looked like a needle, Izuku recognised her immediately.

"You're Recovery Girl," Izuku blurted, the woman smiled.

"Nice to know someone recognises me," she said, before turning serious, "though I'm worried, I went over your file, why are there so many unregistered injuries that seem to date back up to 10 years?" she asked.

"U-um..." Izuku looked to Miles with a pleading expression, he nodded understandingly.

"Izuku has been neglected by his family and abused by his schoolmates, both verbally and physically, I'm sorry, but that's all I'll tell you, I understand that you're a hero, but I won't, for his safety," Miles explained briefly, Recovery Girl sighed.

"I understand, I wouldn't want him to go back to a family that clearly allows that to happen, I'm just worried about his health, his body shows evidence of extreme burns, both due to heat and cold, and there is a dent in two of his ribs, those two alone are signs of a broken bones healing wrong, they could have punctured his lung..." she began, Miles gasped and so did Hailey, who got a good idea from reading her lips, Izuku just sighed.

"I figured," he nonchalantly commented, to Miles and Recovery Girl's surprise.

"You're aware of how dangerous that is, right?" Miles asked.

"Yes, I could have died... I had to research a lot of medical information for that reason," Izuku said bluntly, everyone in the room was filled with rage.

"I read that your first name was Izuku, do you have a last one?" Recovery Girl asked, wanting to completely destroy his parents.

"... Not anymore," Izuku said.

"May I know what it used to be?" Recovery Girl asked.

"...... It was... Yagi," Izuku said, before noticing a dark aura around Recovery Girl.

"Those... little... shit," Recovery Girl said, Izuku began to worry.

"You know my parents?" Izuku asked shakily.

"Unfortunately," Recovery Girl said, "I knew they had a daughter, but those pieces of shit never mentioned that they had a son... I've been having to deal with your parents bringing your sister to me with a twisted ankle, when you've had injuries a thousand times worse... I am not helping those three ever again," she was seething with rage, Izuku felt safe around that rage and relaxed, he was happy that someone was angry about his situation, but was upset about the fact that his parents not once brought him up, that he was not even known of.

"Are... are you going to tell them?" Izuku asked.

"Goodness no, though I'd like to ask where you plan to go to high school,"

"UA, why?"

"Well... All Might, Green Telek are joining the staff there," Recovery Girl explained dejectedly, worried about Izuku, "do you think you'll be alright? I'm sure you could still go to a different hero school,"

"No, I'll have to interact with them eventually, it'll be best to get it over and done with, but as long as they don't try and take me back, I should be fine," Izuku said, Miles and Recovery Girl nodded in understanding.

"If it makes you feel any better, Spider-Man is also joining," Recovery Girl added, Izuku's eyes lit up.

"Really, how will he even be allowed? I mean he's a vigilante, unless the school will be giving him a licence, could that be why Spider-Man left New York?" Izuku mumbled, Miles flinched slightly at the last part.

"Yes, now you're all clear to leave, though I'd like you to come by every two months so I can give you a check-up, it's likely that Nezu will be looking for you, so Mr Morales, if you can notify me, we can meet up here," Recovery Girl said, to which Miles nodded.

"Thank you, Recovery Girl, and I'll make sure to do that," Miles said as he bowed.

"Feel free to call me Chiyo, Mr Morales," Chiyo told him.

"Of course, and call me Miles," Miles responded.

(At Miles Apartment)

Once the three returned, both Miles and Izuku walked towards the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" Miles asked.

"I'm going to cook," Izuku answered.

"You are not cooking, you just got out of hospital," Miles said, bringing in the sign language knowing Hailey would join him.

'Miles is right, you collapsed today and spent most of the day in the hospital, you are going to rest,' Hailey said as Miles continued to the kitchen, 'now, you'll be taking Miles room, so feel free to make yourself a home,' she explained.

"Are you sure?" Izuku asked.

'Yeah, Miles cleaned it out earlier,' Hailey explained.

"But... where will Miles sleep?" Izuku asked.

'With me, we've been slowly transitioning to sharing a room seeing as we've only been dating for about a year,' Hailey explained.

"Okay... as long as you're okay with it," Izuku said slowly, before leaving to what would eventually be his room.

(In Izuku's Room)

Izuku walked into the room, he placed his hand on the door and pushed it closed, when he tried to walk to the bed, his hand stuck and his body continued, his legs going first, he stood back up and looked at his stuck hand, before trying to pull it off, only to fail.

'What the hell is going on, I'm quirkless, why is my hand sticking to the wall like... Spider-Man?' once Izuku realised who his powers matched, he decided to try something, 'Spider-Man seems to be relaxed when he's running around on walls, so that might be the key,' Izuku relaxed, calmed his breathing, and sure enough, his fingers were unstuck, 'okay so I seem to have similar powers to Spider-Man, probably from that false widow... that would explain the glowing tips,' he closely examined his hands and noticed two small slits on either wrist, getting an idea, he aimed his hand at the window and placed his hand in the same position Spider-Man does, a web immediately shot out, he released a light laugh of awe, 'oh my gosh, I have Spider-Man's powers! I'm gonna need to test this,' Izuku walked over to the wall before placing his right hand on it, followed by his left, then his right foot, he continued to crawl until he was on the ceiling, once he was around the centre of the room, he let go, from left to right and landed on the floor, 'this is AWESOME!' he stood up as a knock came from the door, he opened it to see Hailey.

'Dinner is ready,' she told him.

"Okay, thank you, I'll be down in a second," Izuku said, Hailey nodded and walked back down the hallway, 'I'll have to tell them about this,' Izuku thought.

To Be Continued...

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