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(Izuku POV)

Izuku walked through the streets with one goal in mind, F.E.A.S.T., he was officially homeless an that place was known for looking after the homeless, so that was his plan.


It took about 30 minutes of walking to get there, when he arrived, he heard what sounded like a thwipping sound, he looked up to see nothing.

"Are you alright?" asked a voice, Izuku turned to see who was talking to him.

"Are you alright?" asked a voice, Izuku turned to see who was talking to him

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"Oh, hello... um, do you know if F.E.A.S.T. is open?" Izuku asked the man, who laughed lightly.

"There wouldn't be much of a point if it wasn't," he said, as he walked up to the door, pulling out a set of keys, "it is locked though, we don't want anyone robbing what little everyone in here has left... I'm Miles by the way, Miles Morales,"

"Izuku... I don't have a last name," Izuku said, "nice to meet you, Morales-san," Miles laughed lightly again.

"No need to call me by my last name," he said as they walked in, "just call me Miles, so what are you doing here? Looking for work?" he asked.

"No... I ran away from home," Izuku said.

"Oh, that's rough, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to," Miles told him, recieving a head shake, the two sat down t a set of seats next to the door.

"No, it's healthier to talk about things... my parents neglected me and my sister attacked me with her quirk just because of my... lack of one," Izuku said, expecting Miles to reject him.

"Damn, that sucks," Miles said understandingly, to Izuku's surprise, "I grew up in New York, the quirkless actually fit the majority, so I didn't experience any of that (I'm making this New York reflect the one in the game)," he explained, stars grew in Izuku's eyes.

"You're from New York? What were the Spider-Men like?" he asked.

"Oh man, Peter, he was the original, he was probably the most heroic person I ever met, he often volunteered for the F.E.A.S.T. there, his aunt was actually in charge of it after everything with 'Mr Negative', but even when he wasn't Spider-Man, he was just as much of a hero, he even took the time to help me out when my father... died," Miles said both fondly and sadly, "then there was the other Spider-Man, he protected all of the city, but a lot of his focus was on the community of Harlem where I lived, it felt like having a Spider-Man just for us, my girlfriend once told me 'there's been a Spider-Man protecting New York since I was a kid, but to have one here, who cares about me, my home... it means everything'," Miles said with a warm smile (Yes, in this he's dating Hailey Cooper, and she knows about his identity), which Izuku reflected.

"That sounds nice," he said, "but may I ask how your father died?"

"Mr Negative, he placed a bomb that was meant for Norman Osborn when he ran for mayor, my dad jumped in and pushed him out of the way," Miles explained sadly.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Izuku said.

"It's alright, I'm following in his tracks and helping others," Miles said.

"So, what brought you to Japan?" Izuku asked.

"I was offered a teaching job," Miles explained, "I start in a little over 10 months, but I decided to come early, to get used to the culture," he said, "that was a good idea given that I'm still not used to people referring to me by my last name," he laughed, Izuku did the same

"That makes sense... can I ask a question?"


"Do you think... a quirkless person can be a hero?" Izuku asked.

"Yes," Miles said bluntly, to Izuku's surprise.


"Yeah, a hero is someone who helps others and inspires them to help people in turn, you don't have to be a pro to be a hero," Miles answered warmly, Izuku began to cry, which worried Miles, "what's wrong?"

"Nothing, it's just... I've been waiting to hear those words for the past 10 years," Izuku said as tears poured out, Miles just wrapped in a hug.

"Hey Izuku," Miles said, getting his attention, "would you like to stay with me, I'd be happy to help you train, I'm sure you'd like to be a pro, and personally, I'd love to see that," Miles said, only to recieve a tight hug from Izuku.

"Yes please," Izuku cried, he knew he had only just met Miles, but he strangely felt a lot of trust for him.

To Be Continued...

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