Fully changed, tights and all, Minho waited a short while before Jisung was finished in the shower. Luckily for his flustered ass, the younger chose to get dressed inside the bathroom. Though he of course looked as good in the clothes he wore as did without them.

Grinning at the avoiding gaze of Minho, the brunette grabbed his arm and boyishly pulled him out the room. "Cmon, sandwiches are awaiting."

~~ 💐 ~~


The bright spelled kitchen was full of wonderful bursts of laughter and jovial screams, the giggles made by the two boys who worked by the counter. Minho had been showing Jisung how to correctly fillet a fresh fish with a knife, but the younger had found it a challenge.

"Isn't there an easier way to do this?"

"There is, but i don't think you'll
be all too keen to see it."

"I'll be fine, show me!!"

Shrugging, Minho had taken a hold of the fish between his two hands and placed his teeth in a slit of skin near its tail. In one fell movement he stripped the skin clean off one side, doing it to the other and tossing both pieces into the bin. Jisung's mouth hung open, but he quickly shut it when he saw the light in Minho's eyes flicker.

"Sorry, I know, I know
it's kinda gross.."

"No no, not at all! It
was very effective."

After that there was a lot of playful teasing and many sweet exchanges, and for a moment Minho let go of all of his worries and insecurities. Being with Jisung brought out the life in him, it gave him a reason to want to exist. There was no Mr or Mrs Han around to ruin the moment, no judgment from others, no danger of being rejected. It was true bliss.

"How's the fish cooking now?" Jisung pressed, peeking over the older's shoulder to stare at the sizzling food in the pan.

"The same as it was when you asked 10 seconds ago," was Minho sarcastically snarky reply, "now go and shred the lettuce." Sulking the younger moped away to his cutting board, only stopping his work every so often to glance back at Minho. He's so talented at this.. And adorable too.

Something loud echoed around the house, startling both Jisung out of his daydream and Minho out of his fur. Nagging chatter sounded down the corridor, and soon the owners of the voices appeared in the doorway.

"The fuck are you two doing here?" Hyunjin fornwed, acting insulted that his friend was happy to see him and Changbin. The latter himself didn't look arsed, but he did squint his eyes menacingly in offence.

"Wow, afternoon to you two, Han."

"You could've given us a
more friendly hello."

"You're gonna get an even more
unfriendly goodbye in a minute."

"Rude much? We've invited
ourselves over before!"

"Yeah so why is-"

Changbin's eyes landed on Minho, who had been standing awkwardly with his attention still fixed more on the fish. "Ohh I see," the raven head smirked and switched his gaze to Jisung, "we interrupted your private time with Minho."

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