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                         The months that followed were some slow and agonizing lines to say the least.  The chilly September air soon turned into a frigid and desolate December. V and Lyra were keeping themselves busy, to say the least. The encounters with the Potter boy has ceased and Lyra thought very little of it. Draco was becoming distant ever since he received a menacing looking letter from Lucius, however that was the least of Lyra's worries. Adrian Pucey had talked quite a bit and Lyra was falling for him faster than anyone had expected, especially V.

                     V was worried about her about her best friend, not because she was jealous or had malicious intent, but because she did not want to see Lyra taken advantage of. V had heard rumors about Pucey, but when she tried to warn Lyra, she waved it off and said, "those are rumors don't worry i'll be careful." And V trusted her.

                      The exact date, was December 17th 1995, and the castle was beginning to sound and smell like Christmas. The girls winter break started in approximately twenty-four hours. The last day of classes however, was anything but light work. Snape, being himself, had assigned them with a seven foot essay on the usefulness of moonseed poison and its effects on the drinker. Lyra particularly hated this assignment, especially because she believe full heartedly that even Snape didn't understand the affects.

                    After three hours of working in solitude V stood up,cracked her knuckles quite aggressively and said, "Well I'm finished, want to go to Hogsmeade?"
"V I'm on my last foot and I really want to finish." Lyra sighed, although she quickly picked up her quill and ink, and set them aside. Almost instinctively Lyra got up, and dawned her thick, black cloak with the Malfoy family crest. She turned to V and said almost sarcastically, "come on then, lets get you some licorice wands." And with that the two girls ran out of the common room and into the fresh snowy air.

               They ran through the streets of Hogsmeade without a care in the world, barely anyone went to the shops on a Thursday afternoon, so they had a majority of it to themselves. Once they had gotten their fair share of licorice wands and candy slugs, they made their way up to the castle, giggling and squealing to their hearts content.

              When they were out of breath to the point of near exhaustion, they stopped at the quidditch pitch and stood in the center of the huge stadium letting the snow gently fall across their eyelashes. "I have a a crazy idea V" Lyra wanted to have some fun just by themselves for a while. "What else is new Lye?" Asked V politely. "I'm going to go borrow Draco's broom for a moment." V knew where this was going but dismissed it and said, "Ok be back soon, its freezing." "Ok I'll only be a moment." Lyra made her way to broom shed, completely forgetting about the previous experience in the small shed.

              As she opened the door and stepped inside she heard a soft voice humming. A tune she knew all too well, the gryffindor quidditch march. She paused in her tracks and whispered a silent prayer it wasn't who she suspected. She was wrong of course and looked up to see the boy she had previously come across standing in front if his broom.

             "What could you possibly want now?" he asked suspiciously, "it would seem as though you are one following me." "Be quiet Potter, I only came to borrow Draco's broom, I will be out of your way in a moment." "Are you going to hex his broom as well?" Harry asked. "No. I, in fact was going to ride it around the pitch for a while." Lyra said defensively. "Have you ever actually flown on a broom before? Its cold and the brooms can echo me slippery in this weather." Harry said, to anyone else it would have seemed like a warning, but to Lyra it was a mockery of her skills. "Yes I have rode one around the manor quite a few times. Now if you excuse me, I must return to my friend." Before she could rush away Harry grabbed her arm. A rush of warmth spread through her arm where he had caught her.

              "You owe me a thank you for not telling the headmaster about your small loitering issue." "No Potter, get off of me! I will tell my brother about this Potter I swear to it!" Lyra knew this was an empty threat, Draco didn't. are about her minuscule issues. "Fine go ahead tell your little weasel of a brother about this, I don't care." "It seems like you do Potter, now let go of me."  As the boy let her go the warmth faded and Lyra felt immediately colder. Lyra whipped

             As she ran outside, to the center of the pitch, she mounted her broom and sped into the sky. "Be careful please" shouted V from down below. "I will mother i promise" Lyra said with a smirk. Lyra was never allowed to play quidditch, mainly because Lucius told her it was not her place as a Malfoy heiress. So, during the summer, she would steal Draco's broom for the night and fly till the morning slowly kept upon her. Narcissa knew this, call it mother's intuition, but she was happy her daughter experienced something she was robbed of from a young age, freedom.

           She Lyra flew around the pitch, the wind kicked up in a way Lyra was most certainly unprepared for. She made an attempt to land, but the turbulents were far too strong. V saw this, even through the thick clouds of snow, and silently prayed her childhood friend would make it down safely. Lyre had other plans though.

          Even though she wouldn't admit it, Lyra did seek adrenaline. She seemed thrilled by the thought of letting the wind take her, and the challenge of landing safely. She kept Flying, higher and higher, until the outline of the pitch was a faint earl grey.

           Before she knew it she was high up in the clouds, soaring and she felt a wave of euphoria as the wind blew against her. This moment, however only lasted a split second. All too soon, her hands become moist with freshly fallen snow upon her pale hands. She tried to gain control, but even she could not have anticipated what came next. Lyra fell,  for what seemed like forever. Maybe this was the end o her short lived life as the second Malfoy.

            All she could remember was the pain shooting through her body as she hit the earth. And a figure, she couldn't quite make out who, but the outline of her rescuer was the final thing she saw before the darkness.

The Boy in the Broomshed ~ 𝘏𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘺 𝘗𝘰𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora