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Leafa woke up, opening her eyes slowly.

Leafa: Ugh... what happened..?

The last thing she remembered was she was walking through the forest, and someone in a black cloak had approached her and asked her for directions. Then Leafa opened her map, and everything went dark after that..

Leafa: What.. happened after that..?

As she woke up further, she realized she couldn't move.

Leafa: W-What the?!

She struggled, but still couldn't move.

Leafa: What's going on..?!

She was laying down on a table, with her arms cuffed above her head at the wrists. Her ankles were stuck in a large pair of wooden stocks at the end of the table.

???: Oh, you're awake.

Leafa looked around in the dimly lit room for the source of the voice. It was the cloaked figure from before, standing in the shadowy corner of the room.

Leafa: Y-You! Who are you? Let me out of here!

???: Calm down. I'll let you out. Eventually, that is.

They walked closer into the light and pulled down their hood. They were a girl with short black hair. They were grinning, which annoyed Leafa.

Leafa: You look to be a Spriggan.. Who are you?

???: The name's Clair. And you'd be correct, I'm a Spriggan.

Leafa: Alright.. So why have you put me in this.. thing, Clair?

Clair: Simple really. Your someone who's rather close to Lady Sakuya, and I need information someone like that would have.

Leafa: What kind of information..?

Clair: Oh, you know, nothing much. The size of the Sylph treasury, where it is, how to open it. Pretty basic stuff really.

Leafa: As if I'd tell you any of that!

Clair: So you admit to knowing the answers?

Leafa: W-Well...

Clair: hehe, yep. You know it all right. Why don't you make this easy on yourself. Tell me about the treasury, and I'll let you go right now.

Leafa almost yelled back defiantly, but took a moment to think about her situation. She was completely trapped, at this Spriggan girl's mercy. On top of that there was no way of Leafa knowing if they were in a safe zone or not, so she might be planning to hurt her. That would seem likely, due to the restraints. There was a pain absorber in ALO, so it wouldn't hurt, but if she was killed, she'd lose all her gear! She had no intention of that happening, or giving Clair the information she wanted.. So she had to defy this girl.

Leafa: I won't tell you anything!

Clair giggled, to Leafa's surprise.

Clair: I won't lie, I was kinda hoping you'd say that. Now I get to have some fun with you.

Leafa: Fun...? What kind of fun...?

Leafa didn't like the sound of that.

Clair: You'll see.

She giggled again, then vanished.

Leafa: Great.. so she has a high sneak skill.

Moments later, Leafa's gear began unequipping itself! First it was her green longcoat

Leafa: W-What the hell?!

Then it was her boots, further surprising and confusing her.

Leafa: The hell is going on?!

She was now only wearing her shorts, a tanktop she had been wearing under the longcoat that didn't even go over her tummy, and her thin white socks. Clair then reappeared next to Leafa.

Clair: With a high enough sneak skill, you can unequip people's gear if you're undetected. Don't worry, it just goes back into your inventory. I can't just steal it from you.

Leafa: Great, so there's a slight positive to this stupid situation.

Clair: Oh it's stupid, huh? We'll see what you have to say about it after I get started.

Clair grinned as she looked down at the captive sylph, laying on the table before her.

Clair: Time for a bit of interrogation~

Leafa's Tickle Interrogation (SAO Tickle Story)Where stories live. Discover now