The Joker

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It was a typical day for Katsuki. He was currently in middle school second year and could proudly say he knew Mikumo for over a year. School had finished a short time ago, and after leaving the building, he had immediately turned to the direction of the now-familiar convenience store he visited several times a week due to Mikumo's shifts there.

As he entered the store with the sound of the doorbell ringing, he noticed that the cash register that Mikumo usually worked at was being crowded by several teenage girls, loud squeals and giggling exiting them as they tried to have one-sided conversations with the very ravenette he was there for.

Katsuki couldn't help the quirk of his lips, amusement filling him up, and he walked up to the register, alerting a few of the girls who blushed when they saw him and took a few steps back. Internally, he sighed: he really despised these type of girls who acted all weak and fake to attract men, and he would rather not pay them any more attention than the amount necessary not to bump into them.

As soon as there were no barriers left between Mikumo and him but the cash register, he sent his friends a teasing grin and leaned forward.

"Seems people appreciate your looks, eh, Yamikumo?" 

The nickname was one he used often, one that had been given birth to after Katsuki had seen Mikumo beat people up due to spontaneous decisions, hence the meaning 'reckless'. The dyed ravenette had protested that he wasn't reckless, that he kept in mind every single detail of his surrounding and his opponent whenever he made the decision to get into fights, but in the end, the nickname had stayed, and he had gotten tired of denying it suited him (it did).

Mikumo scoffed at his friend's playful tone but gave him his perfected calm smile as always. It didn't matter that Katsuki was suspicious of its genuinity, he used it anyway, claiming it had the best effect on people, as per one of the social experiments he had conducted. Katsuki found his reasoning ridiculous, but internally agreed after nearly getting into a fight with several female university students due to calling one of them 'old', and his friend smiled that exact smile and told them Katsuki turned shy and acted rude whenever he saw attractive people as if the blatant lie was not constructed a second ago.

They exited that situation with several phone numbers, smelling like a multitude of women's perfume, and a lipstick mark on Mikumo's cheek. Katsuki never argued about the ravenette's smile ever again.

"Pot, kettle. I've seen more than a few girls gossiping about your 'gem-like eyes' and 'drool-worthy smile'. It's honestly quite disturbing, especially since I know the person they are talking about."

Katsuki couldn't help the blush of embarrassment dusting his cheeks after hearing of what his features were described as. He buried his face in his palm with a groan and heard Mikumo chuckling from in front of him, obviously amused by how uncomfortable he was.

The blond hid his face for a few more seconds before he heard the hushed whispers coming from beside him, and raised his head to catch a few girls gossiping about him and Mikumo red-handed. The girl his eyes lay on flushed like a tomato at his unamused stare and hid behind her equally red friend, who squealed with a high-pitched voice that hurt Katsuki's already sensitive ears with how loud it was. 

Damn, he really hated fangirls.

Shuffling sounds came from behind the counter, and Katsuki turned to see Mikumo rummaging through his backpack for a few seconds, then finally taking out his phone, and old model with a long-ass name Katsuki didn't remember, before turning around, catching his gaze, and giving him a smile that caused the girls to squeal once more.

Katsuki had to admit, as his face reddened slightly, that however short his friend was -not that he had the courage to say that out loud- he was truly attractive. His curly black hair was buzzed at the nape, and the rest was pulled into a messy bun behind his head, a few stray strands dangling in front of his face which he blew away whenever they irritated him, and mischievously glinting red eyes slightly darker than Katsuki's own pair. The mysterious aura that always surrounded him highlighted his charm further, and it didn't help that both of his ears were full of piercings either.

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