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SPRING, 2014

JUNGKOOK BELIEVED he was a good person. 

Youngest among his siblings, he was showered with love growing up. But that didn't mean he was spoiled. On the contrary, his mother and three sisters shaped and moulded him into a virtuous teenager with an upright moral compass. That's why if there was a pregnant lady on the bus, he would give up his seat and ensure the woman was comfortable. If an old man was struggling to cross the street, he would stop anything and everything he was doing to help them safely reach their destination. If he saw a lost child, he didn't go home until he had reunited the kid to their parents.

The scolding and lectures from his family, ensured Jungkook would become a gentleman with plenty of patience towards almost all situations. But he swore – regardless of his mother's protests that hatred was too big of a word – to have despised Aria with every fibre in his bones.

Obnoxious, flamboyant and attention-seeker Aria.

For starters, she didn't remember anyone's name -- despite having shared the same middle school classroom for two years -- and yet everyone worshipped her and those stupid axel jumps. Then, just because she sat ahead of him, the girl always had the nerve to snatch his food without even asking for permission. She also never did her homework and continuously copied his!

Every lunch and break time, he had to deal with the large crowd she attracted around her table, which would irrevocably lead to the disruption of his own free time. And her voice, my goodness did he loathe it: unnecessarily loud and insufferable, like the rest of her personality.

On a normal day, he could deal with the misery she brought his way. But that Monday morning, he really wanted her to disappear as she spilled his banana milk all over his table with the smack of her hand, causing the drink to wet and ruin the English essay he had spent all weekend upon.

As if she had done it on purpose, Aria walked past his desk, peering down at him. And Jungkook really wanted to believe that the prejudice he had against the girl was all a simple misconception. But as she mockingly laughed whilst screaming a "hey guys, he peed his pants," whilst pointing at the crotch of his pants, – where there was a stain caused by the milk dripping down the table – he came to the conclusion that he was right about her.

Aria was truly an obnoxious, flamboyant attention-seeker.

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