Locked up.. pt2.

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[AN] : hello, yes I've been dead for almost 2 years... maybe? I don't know how long it's been.. some things happened in my life but I'm back :] and a lot of you are probably done reading this but I wanna continue.. so here I am! .. enjoy :)

[Bakugou pov]


Fuck. FUCK. 


I looked up to see Aizawa looking over me with a neutral expression observing my state... He keeps his emotions hidden and I know he hates being a teacher and hates teaching us even more. But in his eyes gives away the whole damn facade, you can see his face slightly pale with worry basically fucking written on his god damn fucking face..

 it makes me sick. Everyone's eyes on my back feel so fucking heavy, I could hear people whispering like I couldn't hear them 'is he okay?'  'oh my God..' 'what the hell did Bakugou do?' 'that looks really bad..' 

.. pity.

They all are pitying me. Tch, like I'm some fragile thing like Deku..

"What," I growled back forgetting how my voice was all horse from the previous weekend and came out all cracked up and sickly. 

"Go to the nurse's office and see me after class."

It was silent as he walked back to his desk to make a call to ask for some poor ass janitor to clean up my mess, I turned to walk out seeing everyone watching me like creeps. 

The silence was so damn loud that I could hear every single movement of my clothes and then the soft sound of the things moving around in my back as walked toward the massive door. Before I left I gave a fierce glare at all those who were glaring daggers at the back of my head. No reaction from any of them.                                                                                                                                                                   This is pissing me off... I slammed open the door and stomped out as always. 


'This is bad...' 

[Aizawa pov] 

I walk into class consuming my third cup of coffee for the morning readying myself for the future migraine later today really unhealthy but I don't give a damn. These demons and my job take the god damn life out of me.

I walk in seeing my students many tired and with bags under their eyes Denki, Kirishima, Sero, and Bakugou are the ones I usually see sleeping before class all of them probably play video games on the weekend and don't get one ounce of sleep I don't know what Bakugou does, nor do I care really. Honestly, if he's not a problem in the morning I could care less. The more quiet the less chance of fights, booboo's, Midoriya breaking his bones, and the most important, less work and migraines. 

As I was 'teaching' my class of problems many started talking I wouldn't have noticed but they started getting too loud. I decided to ignore it pretending I was busy and well, I just don't care "um, Mr. Aizawa." I hear one of my emo students ask in a quiet shaky voice. 

"What is so important?" I look back up from my phone towards my students annoyed that they couldn't follow the one thing I asked of them.

I looked up to see Bakugou's desk covered and it started dripping with blood. I quickly got up and woke him up, if this kid was unconscious...

Luckily he woke up,

"Ugh... " 

He looked at his desk and sleeves in horror. As he got up half of his face covered in his own blood, he looks like he just murdered someone. "..." "What" he growled pretending things were fine. "Bakugou go to the nurse's office and see me after class." 

Bakugou angst oneshotsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat