I can't stop

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blood, self harm, gore

(narrators pov)

Bakugou working his quirk to the limits. 

pushing his mussels to make more controlled explosions, the heat from the explosions making his hands sweat more and the dusty smoke sticking to his arms.. the small light of the explosions flashed in the dark room, as he had been doing this for three hours 

small explosions, getting bigger and bigger over time now becoming painful, he didn't care, he needs to have more control. More stamina, he needs to be better or he cant be number one. 

Bakugou staring at his hands trying to keep the explosions a fairly large size, to keep up the pace, to not stop. Last time he couldn't take it and he put his hands in the water he had for safety. not this time. 

no safety, no wussing out. he has too, or he wont be good enough, hes not the best. 

but soon he'll fix that.

low grunts came from the blonde, his hands shaking hardly and his legs hitting and tapping the floor, his body trying to stop the pain. but his mind wouldn't listen.

Bakugou's eyes began to water as smoke hit them and the pain becoming worse,

the insides of his hands now a bloody red and the heat burning the insides of his wrist. the outside thin layer of skin becoming burnt and flaky. 

Bakugou is getting louder as he starts to sob and make bigger explosions furrowing his eye brows in frustration. But he didn't know that a some classmates were listening.

(Yoayorozu pov)

Me, Mina, Uraraka, and Tsu were walking to my room we all were going to have a girl sleepover hagakure and jirou were getting ready and so we started to get to my dorm room leaving the class in the common room,

we all were talking until we meet my door i opened it and went inside but i stopped when i saw Uraraka look down the hall with her eyes looking worried..

"Uraraka? you ok?" Mina asked peeking her head out the door frame, "uhm... do you guy hear that?.." "hear what? *kero*" tsu says walking to Uraraka, Mina fallowing. "well, i think i hear bakugou.." 

bakugou? now that im looking for the sound i can hear it too.. "it sounds worrisome.." i say the girls nodding. "should we check on him?.." Mina said. "i dont know.. lets just wait for hagakure and jirou to get here.." and with that we wait for them, we could still here the muffled noise in the hall.

"what do you think he was doing?" Uraraka asked lifting the silents. "maybe hes watching a movie??" mina said her voice trialing up in a unsure questioning manner. "its sounded like crying to me" the girls looked at each other giving sad looks, 

"who was crying??" jirou and hagakure were standing at the door taking off there shoes. was setting there pillows down. "o-oh. bakugou we think.." we all looked at each other "we should check on him..!" hagakure said turning to the door, "but what if hes not crying!" 

"yea- but what if his is!.."

 we all decided. we should check on him. hes our classmate, right as we all put our shoes on and walk to his door.. 

much clearer we can hear swearing and crying, Uraraka knocks on the door..

"u-uh-m.. bakugou??... are you ok.." the question fallowed with just heavy breathing. he stopped crying, there was no other noise but his raspy horse breathing..

"bakugou please respond.." i said, knocking on the door too. it was silent for a while. untill you could hear wallking.. is he going to open the door? "bakugou?" still no response, but only a loud crash. "w-what was that-...? *kero*" 

"im not sure..." jirou passed us and reached the door nob it was locked. "Mina! help me open this!" 

(narrator pov)

"yes!" they both were trying to open the door picking the lock with a bobby pin. the door opens and the room is dark.

the light from the door filling in, and hitting the things the things room.

the girls gasp. the boys body laying next to his bed on the floor seeming he fell, blood pooling his arms and a burnt aroma in the air form his burning skin..

"BAKUGOU!" Yoayorosu and jirou went to get a teacher as the others went to try to wake him up, to try and help the bleeding blonde. 


this is reallly- short and lazy i wrote this in math.-. 
but anyway- im just saying if your guys have requests please say thank you!^^

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