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The year of 2023.


Eda is in her office, talking on the phone with one of her clients. There has been a crisis that she needed to settle, so she called the client to try and nicly talk to him.

Ever since she opened her own architect company, "Yildiz mimarlik", about 9 months ago, her life has became a very buissnes filled one. In only 3 months she had so many clients from all around the world. They were truly the ones to beat.
Ofc Eda was not alone in all of this.

Her two best friends, Sarp and Mert, who were also students from Turkey that came to study in Italy, were her partners.
The companies shares were spread evenly, Eda was a landscape archtict, Sarp the general architect and Mert was the one that planed the project.
Eda and Sarp were always jocking with him because he was good with numbers. He planned the budgets and so many more things that had to do with their projects.

The three of them became very very close. They were best friends, even family. They were all the same age, maybe 3-4 months apart and they truly loved each other like a family.

Sarp is the serious one. He is married to a beautiful woman called Maria and they have a little son called Bolat. He is the one that always stresses out but thanks to Eda he learned how to not take life so seriously. He really loves her like a sister and alwyas trys to protect her.

Mert is the one that is always jocking. He is amazing at his job but sometimes he can be a pain in the but because he cant take anything seriously. Sarp would often get very mad at him beacuse he was so relaxed about sertin importnat things. With time he learned that he needs to be serious in some situations and is still working on it.

And Eda, well we know Eda. Eda was just in the middle of the two of them. Always calming Sarp down and begging Mert to become more responsible.
She still loves flowers, and small hand-written notes. After leaving Italy she was really depresed for around 2-3 weeks and that is when she met the two of them. They brought the light back into her life and became her family.

Eda just finished her call with her client when both Mert and Sarp went up into her office.

"Thank you Mr. Simono, we promice to have all of our presentations and files ready for you too look at by the end of this week.
Have a nice day Sir."

She finished the call when Mert and Sarp entered her room.

"Well, well, well isnt that Eda Yildiz saving the day once again? You truly know how to talk to people. I could have sold my soul to him and he would not give us till the end of the week to finish that project.", Sarp said with a smile turning to face Mert.

"Dada knows her job bro. She never fails, we cant compare ourselfs to her.", Mert added also smiling.

Mert loved callinf them Dada and bro. He hardly ever used their real names.

"You two are just too much to handle sometimes. Why are you even im my office dont you have your own work to do?", Eda said while laughing and looking at the two man who now took a seat in front of her.

"Acctually, we came here to talk to you about a new job offer.
All we know is that there is a company that is coming today from Istanbul. They want to do a project together. They heard about our succses and now want to do a combined project. What do you say?", Mert said.

"Do we know the name of the company? The ower? The employies? Anything about the client? You Sarp, your toughts?", Eda said looking at Sarp.

"Acctually Eda we dont. You know I always do reaserch but this time I didnt because we will meet with the owner face to face. Then we can disscus if we want to do the project or not. If the company is good has good history and nice projects it could be an amazing opertunity for our company.", Sarp said looking back at Eda.

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