CHAPTER 16: Masterpiece

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Third Person's POV:

It's been a month since Nelson and Ella visited India, it's been a month since Ella and Nelson met each other as Ella was in England for her Cricket tour.

The tour had ended and Ella was coming back from England; she lost the series.
And she knew it really well that Nelson was going to mock her about it and of course how can she forget about their bet.

Ella's heart was in turmoil, she might not admit it to anyone, not even her best friend but she seemed to be losing interest in Asher. She was no longer thinking about him, she was no longer praising him, she was no longer dying to meet him.

It's not that she started to hate him all of a sudden but there was this another person, an idiot whom she found herself thinking about.

Everytime she thought about what happened the day they left India, she cringed at herself yet she still wanted to taste his lips.

It wasn't lust, it was something else, something she couldn't comprehend.

Now when she thought about Nelson, her face didn't grimace anymore instead a small smile formed on her face remembering his crazy ways, his crazy words.

She might not admit it to anyone but she was falling for him and she was very, very scared by that fact.

Just like Nelson was scared to accept his feelings.

Sometimes Nelson felt himself getting angry at her thoughts and sometimes he wanted nothing else but think about her.

As soon as he came back from India, the first thing he did was to call Matthew and ask him to buy another canvas.

Matthew was always the one to buy the canvas for Nelson.


Because Nelson didn't want anyone else to see him buying canvases and paints and brushes and then question him.

Matthew was very curious when Nelson asked him to buy a 36×48 inches canvas, that's the largest he has ever asked him to buy.

When Matthew questioned him what he will paint, Nelson didn't reply, all he said was to wait.

Matthew knew that he will paint Ella again, he never paints anyone else but he was still very curious and excited to see that painting.

Usually Nelson took just a week to complete his painting but at the end of every week when Matthew asked him about it, he said that it wasn't complete yet.

It's a masterpiece, it will take time.

That's what he told him.

Nelson always painted just one painting every year, and yes of course it was Ella's.
Every year on the family dinner, he would notice her secretly, what she is wearing, how she is looking, he would capture that in his mind and go back home and paint that.

It was very unusual of him to paint her when he has already painted her after this year's family dinner.

So, when Nelson finally after a month called Matthew and told him that the painting is complete, Matthew left all his work and came to his house to see it.

He was nibbling on a block of dairy milk when Nelson opened the door for him.

"I thought this day won't come", Matthew said dramatically.

"Well it has finally...come on."

Matthew followed Nelson upstairs to his painting room and just before opening the door, Nelson extended his hand saying, "Phone?"

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