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It was the first day of hybrid care and Liam wasn't amused. "Babe you don't have to cover your tail and wear a beanie, everyone here apart from me and a few alphas will be a hybrid too" Harry stressed, "but.." Liam was cut off by Harry glaring at him, "fine" he said warily.

They end up leaving with little more argument. Liam becoming increasingly nervous as people looked at his swishing tail as they walked past. Liams ears were up standing to attention, sweeping the area for any signs of danger. "Li baby it's alright, they just aren't used to you yet" Harry comforted. When it came to pda, Liam and Harry weren't masters, they did the odd goodbye kiss every now and then. But that was it, so when Harry reached over and intertwined their fingers, it was a bigger step than it seemed. Sparks could be felt at each of their fingertips as they connected.

"Hello everyone and welcome to hybrid care, my name is Professor Strucker, today we are going to do some introductory assignments, I'll say a name and if it's yours give us something about you. Let's start, Andy," he spoke, "hi I'm Andy and I like to play baseball" the kid said nervously, he had a bushy auburn tail and small brownish ears, "Lauren" "hey I'm Lauren and I like physics" she spoke, her grey furry tail poking out and Large ears standing to attention, a few more went by until the man landed in him, "Liam" "uh I'm Liam, and I li- I like um.. comics?" He said though it sounded more like a question. They eventually finished and the man got into part two of the lesson. "For this part of the lesson, we are going to speak of how to care for a hybrid during heat. As you may know, heats occur for omegas monthly. The care process is different for hybrids though" he said informatively. "Hybrids, when going through heat, will nest. And it is what it sounds. They get comfort items, like their alphas clothes, and make them into a nest on say, the bed, or in a dry bathtub. Or if you're like my niece, in the washing machine" he said somewhat humourlessly, still making a few people giggle at his words, Liam included. "When a hybrid nests, you should allow them to use it and do not disrupt it without permission. Hybrids also need some extra care during heats due to their biology. In history, hybrids were seen as gods and therefor did not develop the skills to go through heat alone as normal omegas did as they were always tended to. But in society now most are unfortunately abused".

With a few more points and the offer of a pamphlet, he dismissed us. "So... was it as bad as you thought" Harry smirked at him, "no" Liam mumbled, face coated with a blush. "Well I'm proud of you baby boy, and I think that you deserve a treat" Harry says holding Liam close.

They get outside and hop into Harry's car. "We are going for lunch, where you thinkin babe" Harry asks, turning on the radio, "um... I don't know, you should pick" liam rushes out, "no baby, you pick, I will eat wherever" Harry comforts. "Uh.. okay, Chinese" Liam questions. "Of course princess. What do you want" Harry says. "Um just chicken balls and fried rice with curry sauce please" he states, "baby if you wanted balls you should've just asked Me" Harry smirks, Liam completely shuts down at that, his eyes widening and cheeks going red. Harry can smell slick and see a visible bulge in Liam's pants. "You want something baby boy, I can smell it" Harry smugly asks, "m'fine" Liam practically whimpers out. Harry sneaks a hand onto Liam's thigh as he drives, snaking in towards his inner thighs, where Liam is most sensitive. Liam nearly moans as Harry eventually cups his bulge. "Maybe another time princess" Harry says as Liam bucks up, and Harry removes his hand. "What Cmon please!" Liam whines. "Another time baby"

Well isn't this a shit chapter. Sorry guys. I'm currently doing this and also trying to work in a new story. And a surprise for all of you guys. So updates may be slow.  I also return to school on Thursday. As anybody in Scotland may know things are slowly but surely getting better. Hopefully soon this can all be over. Hope you can all stay safe wherever you may be. I just want to thankpinktape12345 for their endless support. Stay safe and luv u guys. Also please leave any suggestions. Wether that's thru comments or wattpad DM's.

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