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"Liam!" Karen shouted from the bottom story of their home. "Coming" he replied somewhat irritated. His heavy footsteps could be heard from a mile away, booming down the wooden stairs. "Hey mum, where's my clothes I'm going out later but all my clothes are missing, even it's missing" he says, mumbling the word it, it, in question, was liam's teddy. It was a small dragon teddy that Liam had got when he was Only 7. It had been liam's secret comfort item ever since. Liam's head turned to see a large black suitcase, and another and... "mum why is there three suitcases here, what's going on" Liam said looking slightly worried. "Sweetie, I'm sorry but after getting kicked out of your third school, me and your grandparents have came to the collective decision that it's best you get some help-" "I don't need help I'm fine" Liam cut his mum off angrily, "Liam! This isn't optional, I'm sending you to a boarding school in Pennsylvania. I know it seems far but this is necessary, your aunty has been kind enough to pay tuition. We called up the school last month after you got kicked out sparked by research we done. And it specialises in improving behaviour. They pair you up with an alpha after some research to make sure it's a good match. And then the alpha, along with the school help you with emotions and behaviour. I know you are going to hate me for this sweetie but you need it. I love you" his mum rushed out getting emotional, Liam on the other hand, stood there shocked. "Tell me this is some sick joke mum, TELL ME YOU'RE KIDDING" Liam all but screamed. "You know how hard it is for people like me mum, the world, does not like hybrids, I have been bullied my whole life and just as I was beginning to settle you are sending me to America to a new fucking school" Liam cried, "love, the school is built upon equality, you won't be bullied I promise-" *honk* could be heard from outside, "that's your ride baby, now please, call me. I love you so much" Karen said with a sob. "I love you too mum, but this was a shitty move" and with that Liam left with his luggage for the airport.

Upon arrival at the airport, Liam was growing nervous. Not that he'd ever tell anyone. He had a bag for the plane. In it was his essentials, a charger, his phone and laptop, some food and energy drinks. And a few other bits and pieces.

The plane ride was long and there was an old man snoring next to Liam for most of the ride. It was not fun. His resentment for this was growing with every minute. His hatred fuelling the fire in his chest. A yellow taxi was outside the airport for him "PAYNE" the man shouted with a deep American accent looking miserable that he had to be there. Liam dragged his luggage before wordlessly stepping in the the car with a suitcase, whilst the driver piled the other two into the boot. They drove in silence, well, Liam had his earphones in blaring music as top volume.

They arrived at the building and Liam's jaw dropped, in fact, if it dropped any further he's pretty sure Satan would tickle his chin. His eyes wide as saucepans and his eyebrows so high they damn nearly merged with his hairline. But it was with reason. The building was dripping with opulence. An old french style building with large glass windows. The doors looked like the entrance to either heaven or hell. Liam was startled out of his thoughts when the horn beeped, "move kid I have placed to be" the driver angrily shouted. "Yeh whatever" Liam said, grabbing all his luggage. It was a struggle but suddenly, a blonde boy with pale skin and blue eyes approached him as the taxi skidded away. He was followed by a dark skinned boy with darker hair and deep golden brown eyes. "I'm Niall and that's my alpha Zayn, well give you a hand" he beamed grabbing a suitcase whilst Zayn took another plus the bag. Liam followed nervously with his suitcase dragging along behind him. Liam felt similar to the suitcase, he felt like he was getting dragged into a life without a choice. Liam was surprised the boys hadn't said anything about his bushy orange tail with a Snow White tip on the end. Or his orange pointed ears with charcoal black tips. It was then he noticed that Niall had a tail too, it was shorter than his and it was a greyish brown colour. Extremely fluffy, and Niall also had fluffy similarly coloured ears. Niall was a kitten hybrid. He must of felt Liam's stare, "hybrids are more popular in this school than most. Fox I see, cute" Niall said before motioning for him to follow. Liam did so wordlessly.

The walked inside and past what must of been the reception, the lady inside gave a quick wave as they approached, Niall looked at Liam expectantly, "oh um, I'm new here. Could I have my timetable... please" she gave him a look, "name..", "oh um, Liam.. Payne" he rushed. She typed with an obnoxiously loud tapping. And the printer made a whirring sound before a sheet of white paper was slowly ejected out, holding Liam's soon to be weekly life. He noticed a few strange looking classes on there.

"Well I'd love to walk you to your dorm but me and Zayn have to go to class. Your alpha should be waiting in your shared room for you, and we'll see ya around" Niall spoke at what seemed to be a million miles per hour, "yeh whatever" and with that Liam walked off but not without an eye-roll.

He walked up what seemed to be a thousand stairs before reaching a corridor Labelled 77X, he checked his time table to be sure but realised he was indeed on the right floor. He walked anxiously down the narrow corridor, before he reached a door labelled 37. That was his room, he waited a couple minute to calm his nerves before entering. He was hit by the smell of alpha and if he liked the smell, no one had to know. It appears the alpha smelled him too because he walked swiftly towards the entrance. His smile was large and bright, his dimples showing. Forest green eyes which you could easily get lost in. Chocolate curls rested on his perfect head. "Hello, you must be Liam, I'm Harry your assigned alpha. This is going to be so fun I've been wanting to meet you for ages. Your tale is so cute by the way" Harry was cut off by Liam walking past him ignorantly. He threw his suitcases next to the couch before planting himself down there with a huff. "Well nice to meet you too" Harry said expectantly. Liam didn't answer, "okay then" Harry said moving to sit next to Liam. " I know you might not like this, but you're here and it's not gunna change so you may as well enjoy it" Harry said putting a hand on Liam's thigh in a comforting manner. As much as Liam liked the touch, he jerked away. "No, I will not enjoy it here, I'll endure it here, only for my mum" Liam spat angrily, "now Liam no need to be rude, how about we go and pack your things away and then we can put on something on the tv. "Whatever" Liam huffed. If this were anyone else, Harry would have been raging, but considering the poor boy was new and didn't really grow up with authority, he was a bit more sympathetic.

So... another story. Lol. I'm terrible. If you like this then vote comment anything you wanna see and be prepared for a lot of Lirry fluff later on. Yeh thanks loves and be safe . 🖤

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