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It was the weekend. Great. School had only been getting harder and harder the further on into it Liam went. But alas, it was Friday. Liam stared at the clock in the classroom intently. Paying no attention to the teacher at the front rambling about non important stuff. Finally, the bell sounded, echoing off the walls of the old building. The screeching of chairs and exited bumbling and babbling of students could be heard. Liam walked out of class towards the exit of the educational part of the school, speedily heading towards the dorms.

He eventually reached his room, the week had been long and hard. Liam decided to go for a bath to wash off all of the stress from the week. He looked for his usual wash stuff. All lynx Africa, but he couldn't find it. He must have used it up. Then he saw the note on the mirror. Hello, this is Harry (your fav lol), I saw you ran out of your body washing stuff so I got new ones. Could t find your usual brand so I got a nice little combo for you. Hope you like it xxxxxx

Liam admittedly chuckled at the profuse amount of kisses on the note. He looked at the small basket shelf on the wall and saw Alberto Balsam strawberry conditioner and coconut shampoo. Along with a strawberry body wash. 'I'm going to smell like a pink drink from Starbucks' Liam thought and laughed at himself.

He got in the warm bath and washed off. Enjoying it. He wanted to relax for a while after he washed so just lay back listening to a podcast on his phone. He heard a rattle of the door and some heavy footsteps. He instinctively started shaking. Who the hell was home. Harry wasn't supposed to be home for at least another hour. At this point the bath was starting to go cold but liam was scared to get out. Liam's breathing quickened and the shaking intensified. It took all his willpower not to sob. Silent tears started falling down his face. "Liam, Liam where are you. Im home early" Harry spoke loudly, voice echoing throughout the dorm. "Oh my god is that you Harry" Liam shouted back shakily. "The one the only love. You alright you sound a bit shaky love" he replied concernedly. Liam practically leapt out the bath. Flung a towel round his waist and slammed out the bathroom. "Oh my god it's only you" Liam cried, finally letting the tears fall. "I thought you were someone breaking in or some shit" Liam all but cried, "hey love it's okay, just got home a little earlier than usual, I'm sorry". "S'okay, imma go get dressed, be back in a minute" Liam sniffled.

After Liam got dressed the pair just sat on their phones for a while before deciding on take away food and a movie. "Cmon it's my turn" Liam whined, yes, whined. "But you'll pick something shit" Harry complained. "Heyyy, my movie choices are great" Liam argued, "okay mr toy story" hat try laughed in return. "It's a great film" "suuuure", they both ended up comprising on watching Big Hero 6. By the end bit where BayMax had to die in the dimension bit, Liam was in tears. Not that he'd ever admit it. "Are you crying" Harry asked, "what no I just have something in my eye" he snapped somewhat shakily. "Hmm sure" Harry chuckled. By the end of the film it was only 8 so they decided that Liam could pick a movie and try en Harry by which point they'd go to bed. Liam chose toy-story of course. They watched it through and then Harry decided on watching some crappy new Netflix horror movie. Harry laughed at the bad FX whilst Liam shook in fear at it. "Hey, so could I do something to take your mind off of the scary film, you'll have to trust me though okay" Harry whispered into Liam's ear, sending shivers down Liam's spine. "O-okay".

Harry slowly slipped his hand round Liam's waist, palming his through his pyjama bottoms. Liam let out a shaky breath as Harry started rubbing a little, making Liam harden. After a couple minutes Liam let out a small whimper, he covered his mouth but Harry yanked his hand away, "lemme hear those pretty noises baby" Harry said deeply. Eventually Liam started spurting cum into his pyjamas moaning quite loudly, hiding his face in Harry's neck and sniffing his bond mark. They fell asleep together on the couch that night.

So ik this is absolutely terrible but like I needed to update. Also if anyone is interested Dm me on here to either co-write this story, pitch in ideas, or ever take over it. If u wanna cowrite it, or take over. I would like you to send me either an intro to a chapter, a prompt, or a chapter. So I can see ur writing style and stuff like that etc. I'm always open for some fresh help and even just ideas. On the topic of ideas I actually have an idea for another story. I'm in the works of putting it into words as we speak so yeh. Keep a heads up.




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