Chapter 16: In Love?

Start from the beginning

Walking on the side of the house, I put some extra bamboo wood that I brought down on the ground.  

"Where were you the entire day Mizuki."  A stern voice speaks that causes me to flinch.  Turning around I come face to face with Sato-san.  "A-ah, Sato-san.  I went out early this morning to help Yuzu-san with gathering water, it was in return for those vegetables that I received yesterday."  I state as I avoid eye contact and shuffle slightly. 

"Hmm.  And that took the whole day?  You missed the entire day of training too.  But that's up to you, if you're gonna skip training."  Sato tells me as he glances over my form and turns back towards the house. 

"Hurry inside and clean yourself before you make dinner.  Since you weren't here to find out, Kira Ochiro will be staying with us so Michikastu and her can acquaint themselves better before marriage."

Hearing that had made my heart drop.  "Yes....I'll be in soon"  I state, as I look down and bite my lip before heading inside as well. 

Taking my shoes off, I start to head towards my room and hear giggles from the side of the garden.  Walking towards that direction, my eyes widen as I dig my nails into my palms. 

I continue to stare at the sight of Kira Ochiro smiling so lovely at Michikatsu with the remaining sunlight shinning down on her.  She looked so perfect and beautiful.  

Moving my attention onto Michikatsu who looked at her and slightly smiled, made my heart drop even more.  My heart began to clench as I felt like my heart could be screaming.  A burning feeling also began to build up within me.  Biting my lip and causing it to bleed, I continued to stare at the two seeing that they looked to perfect. 

'Michikatsu, doesn't even look a bit concerned or worried where I've been.  He's just looking at her.' 

Taking a harsh breath in, I furrow my brows as I could taste the iron from my blood.  'That's right.  What did I expect from these people?  To be loved and cared about?  I'm just a random girl who their wife and mother took in because she pitied me.'  I thought as I turned around bitterly. 

'I don't belong here and this was supposed to happen anyway.....But why did I have to fall in love?'  I question, quickly walking away as I find my room and slam the door behind me. 

Grabbing my clean clothes in a rush as well as the things I need.  I make my way through the house and slip through the shower room.  Locking the door behind me I place my clothes down as I filled the basin with warm water.  

Once I was done prepping my bath, I began to wash myself, aimlessly staring at the wall in front of me.  

"Damn it..."  I finally mumble out as I dunk clean water over my head, having the water run down my back and face.  "I really am hopeless.  Weak.  Foolish."  I mumble out as images of Kira and Michikatsu flash through my head again.  

"Ah ha hahhh."  I chuckle sarcastically, remembering what Akane told me earlier during the day. 

"If this is love, I really don't like this feeling."  I breathlessly state as I push my hair back out of my face as I get up to dry myself.  


"Mizuki, where were you the entire day?"  Michikatsu asks as I sat down after setting down the food down on the table. 

Not even glancing at him, I grab a bowl and start to fill it with rice.  "I had a job to do in the village."  I state as I place the rice bowl down and grab another.  

"I see....."  Michikatsu replys back as I could feel his gaze on me.  "Did you have a lot to do since you left to early in the morning and didn't come back till the evening?"  Kira asks politely as I look up and pass her a rice bowl.  

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