Chapter 17: To Break Her

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Timeskip 1 month

Mizuki POV 

Groggily staring at the ceiling, I stare up at the roof finding it the most interesting thing ever.  'Ah how many days has it been?  No.  How many weeks has it been?'  I think to myself as I lift my arm to cover my face. 

'Ah it feels like months have gone by and yet it has only been a month.  I'm so sick of having emotions and feelings right now.'  Moving my body so I can rest on my side, I peak out the window of Yoriichi's room. Finding it more comfortable and relaxing to get away from all those moments that those two have. 

Sighing out, I stare out seeing that the sun has started to rise.  'Is this how Yoriichi felt?  Empty?  Lonely?  Helpless?.....I don't even know.  But I feel like absolute crap.  Besides Kira Ochiro staying here and taking over my job of cleaning, cooking, and literally everything, I still feel like crap even though I have less chores to do.' 

'Ah yes.  Less chores, more training, more exercises, more sword practices, more fights, more leaving the household and running through the forest and up the hill.  Maybe I've been overloading myself to get him and these feelings out my thoughts.  I want to leave them all behind.  Its honestly taking a toll on me....'  I think tiredly as ever since Kira Ochiro has been here, this bubbling feeling of anger has always taken hold of my heart.  But each time I suppress it with a fake smile or leave to train harder. 

Or even the times when I do see the both of them having their moments together, my heart aches and I could feel my heart being ripped out.  But yet, I'm still sucking it up.  

"Why?"  I mumble out to myself.  Though I've been asking myself that since the beginning, scoffing I turn on my back going back to staring at the roof.  'Ah maybe because I'm an idiot who fell in love with another idiot who I can't be with.  Maybe because I have no where to go?  Maybe because I'm such a scaredy cat who's afraid to meet an actual demon, after all that mind training I did.'  

I could go on and on with the list, not knowing which reason or perhaps all of them actually.  I've been training so hard, pushing past my limits this past month.  Even going to spare up against that teacher who comes to teach us with Sato-san.  Though I don't rely on my breath techniques, I can say that I have mastered total concentration breathing skillfully.

Sighing out yet again, I close my eyes.  Maybe I pushed myself too hard and drawed in the attention of Michikatsu, when he began to notice not only my behavioral change but skills.  I have been holding back when I train with him, I didn't use total concentration breathing too much because I thought if any chance I can't use it then I need to learn how to deal without it. 

Which is true, but as I did start taking all the past training's more seriously using all my strength, it seems that Michikatsu is curious how I got all that strength as all he saw me was a weak girl who just practiced with him.  Nothing serious. 

I open my eyes as I take a deep breath and push myself up.  'But not only do I not really want to talk to Michikatsu too much, so I don't gain any feelings.  Its like each time when I think I've calmed myself or perhaps don't have feelings, reality comes and hits me across the face.  Telling me that "Hey you still haven't gotten over him!  You have feelings!  And emotions of LOVE!"  

Rubbing my face tiredly, I fold up the futon and open the door to greet the cold morning air. As I walk towards the main house, I could feel all of my muscles and bones yelling at me in pain.  Screaming to let them rest and telling me to take a break.  

As I entered the house, I went to the bathroom to freshen myself up for the day.  As I opened the door, I widened my eyes slightly seeing Kira standing right in front of me.  Feeling my heart clench, I then hide my hands behind my back as I tug on my shirt.  

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