Chapter Twenty-Nine

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He swung a fist.

Then another.

And another.

A few more, until your head was throbbing. You could feel something warm and sticky drip from your nose, as well as feel a split in your lip. There was blood dripping from above your vision as well, giving evidence of a gash across your forehead.

"We'll start easy. What do you know about Tony Stark?"


It was a pattern. The damn asshole Kevin would ask a question, you would refuse to give him an answer, and he would try again. Sometimes he repeated the same thing over and over again, trying to get you to break. But every single time, you remained resilient. He would grow frustrated at your defiance, and bash your body for it. You knew one of your ribs were cracked, as well as probably having internal bleeding. Secrets didn't run on fuel, luckily.

You were silent. He barely managed to get a whimper out of you, and nothing more than a wince. You would endure this. If nothing happened in a week...

You wouldn't break. You'd never break. Even if the team never came for you. Even if they thought-

No. They would come. If you knew one thing about the Avengers, was that they would avenge you. Loki would come for you. He would rescue you, you knew he would. Whether that was before you die, well...

You'd just have to wait and see.

Luckily, after near the 20th beating -in which Kevin had apparently forgotten about the knife- you couldn't take it anymore. You had felt the darkness coming for the last hour or more, and it was too much to bear. You couldn't keep your head up or your eyes open a moment longer, succumbing to unconsciousness.

And it went like this for days. Kevin would question you and beat you until you passed out, which happened more and more quickly. You doubted you could even talk, given how sore your throat was. Even then, Kevin still came every day, making your hopes of rescue dwindle.


Loud, really loud, blaring sirens. Horrendifically screaming of alarms. Red lights. Take your pick. Either way, you were awoke to noise -being a mix between sirens, heavy footsteps, and shouting- and red light streaming across the room in synchronized waves.

Was the building under attack? Were they friends or foes? Right now you just might accept Shield's help, especially if it got you out of this shithole.

Speaking of -now that you were truly waking up- it seemed Kevin had really done a number on you. You were sore in every place imaginable, sporting a throbbing head, aching muscles, as well as an inevitable unhealthy number of bruises all over your body. Every time you breathed it stung, as if someone was sitting on your chest and wouldn't let you up.

You tried to focus on what was going on. How could you escape? How could you help the people infiltrating in any way?

You couldn't. You couldn't make it to the only entrance, if you even managed to get out of the room. You doubted you could even walk, given that you somehow managed to escape the cuffs binding your wrists to the table even without your abilities.

You were completely trapped, with the only way out being blocked by the inevitable battle you could hear echo off the halls.

An explosion that shook you to your bones, then silence. Eerie, lifeless silence filled the entire compound.

Until a single set of footsteps could be heard, barreling down to right outside the door to your cell. The door you were trapped behind, completely defenseless. Maybe it was the Avengers. Maybe they had finally come to save you. Maybe the door was going to open, to reveal Loki-

A Little Fate (LokixReader) {COMPLETE}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon