Chapter 3

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You pulled up to the kids big grey house. You were their nanny. Their parents worked every day which means you did too except for Tuesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays when their mom wasn't working and she could take care of them. You got out of your car and walked to their door, opening it with your key. It was a Saturday so you were supposed to have the day off but their mom called you last minute. Of course you accepted. You needed the money plus the kids were Angels to look after.

Their mom was running around the living room grabbing her things. She notices you and sighs with relief. "You're actually a lifesaver Y/N. Thank you so much for watching them last minute. I know this is one of your days off and I'm so sorry but I got called into work last minute," their mom says. "Don't worry about it Mrs Hyde. I didn't have anything planned anyways so it works out perfect," you smiled at her.

You weren't lying about that. You decided to take a small break from going out after what happened the other day. This was a good distraction. "kiddos I'm so sorry I know I promised to have a fun day with you all today but I have to go to work. Y/Ns here. You can have fun with her. I promise we'll do this next week," she told the kids. They looked disappointed.

Mrs Hyde had three kids. Two girls one boy. The oldest ones name is Trevor. He's about 13 so he mostly stays in his room talking to his friends and reading. Then there's the middle child Elisabeth who's 11 She and her younger sister Penelope who's 8. Penelope runs into your arms giving you a tight hug. "Hello to you too pen," you say laughing and you hug her back.

"I'm assuming trev is in his room?" You ask Elisabeth over pens shoulder. "He's at his friends house practicing with his dumb band," she tells you. "In that case we can do whatever you girls want," you tell them. "Can I braid your hair?" Asks pen. "Of course pen. What do you wanna do lis?" You ask the older one. "Nothing. I have homework to finish," she says disappointingly. "Look at you being all responsible," you say. "Sit with us while you do it. It's a lot less boring with company,"


You sit on the floor of pens bathroom. Music is playing from your phone speaker. Their parents are filthy rich so each kid has their own room and bathroom connected so they can grow up with privacy. Pen is Dutch braiding your hair- or at least trying to. You tried to teach her how and now she's determined to master it. Your phone vibrates.

You pick it up and look down at it. The girls notice that the music volume went down for a second. "Stop pointing your head down it's messing me up," pen says as she straightens your head so it's looking forward again. You check the notification. It's from an unknown number

Unknown: y/n?

you: who's this???

Unknown: it's Connor from next door.

You smile to yourself

You: how'd you get my number

Connor: I saw it when I scanned your face before I scanned your vitals.

You: I can't tell if I'm flattered or weirded out

Connor: I'm sorry. I don't mean any harm by it

You: Im joking Connor

Connor: I was going to ask you if you wanted to get coffee or something today.

You: I'd love to but I'm working. How about next Tuesday?

Connor: that's perfect.

You: alright it's a date. see you then. :)

"Who are you texting y/n?" Elisabeth asks you. "Why does that matter?" You ask panicking. "Because you're smiling a crazy amount," she says laughing. "Oh hush and do your essay," you say lightly punching her in the arm. "Are you texting with your super secret boyfriend?" Pen asks joking around with you. "Fine I'll tell you two. He's not my boyfriend... yet. But I really like him," you say embarrassed.

The girls squeal in excitement. "Can you pleasssseee tell us about him?" Elisabeth begs. Pen throws in a "pretty please with sugar on top?" For good measure. "Fine," You say "but you cannot tell anyone," you say poking pen with your pointer finger. "He's my neighbor. His name is Connor and he's a detective.

He like never understands my jokes or anything but it's fine. He gets all flustered and confused it's adorable," you tell them. They look at you wide eyed as if you're telling them about Prince Charming. "Enough about me," You say embarrassed.

You make them dinner and put them to bed. You're sitting in the front room on your phone, scrolling through all the selfies the two of them took when you accidentally left your phone unattended while you cooked. The door creaks open. "Trev it's 11:46. Your curfew is 9," you say looking at him disappointedly. "You know I think your band is sick but if your mom gets home and you're not here even once she's gonna kill me," you tell him. "I know I know," he says annoyed. "Go up to your room please trev," you say. He does.


It's late once you get home. You eat some leftover take out and then take a few hits before falling asleep in your room. It's been a long day and all you need right now is rest.


Hope y'all are liking this so far. Also can we just take a minute to appreciate the cover pic- connor with glasses rights. Anyways I probably won't be updating super frequently considering I'm in the middle of writing another fic.


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