Chapter 2

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"Connor," hank yells. "Yes Lieutenant?" Connor responds. "Go next door and tell that fucking girl that you're a cop and there was a noise complaint. Maybe that will scare her into shutting up for once," he asks. "But that would be lying Lieutenant," Connor says, questioning hanks request. "Yeah I'm aware," hank says annoyed. Connor just stopped asking questions. He learned over the past months that it was sometimes the best thing to do.

Connor walks over to your doorstep. He knocks on your door but you don't answer. Its late. He assumed you're probably sleeping until he realizes the door is open. He becomes tense. He pushes the door open slowly, incase someone was in there. The door opens to reveal you on the ground, passed out. He does a scan. checking your vitals. They're not good. He places your arm around his neck before rushing you over to hanks house.

Connor opens the door and rushes to hanks bathroom. He leans you over the bathtub and turns it on. The cold water hits your face, barely waking you up from your dazed state. He sticks his fingers down your throat making you vomit as much of the drugs as you can out. You cough, spitting the extra saliva hanging off your mouth from the vomit into the bathtub. Your vision is blurred by the small tears that have formed in your eyes. You can't see who's helping you but someone's definitely there.

"(Friends name)?" You mumble. The figure doesn't have enough time to respond considering you blacked out again soon after. Hank runs into the bathroom. "What the fuck is going on Connor?" He asks concerned. "The door was open so I went inside and found her overdosing Lieutenant," he explains. "Oh shit," hank says quietly.

Connor picks you up again, putting you on hanks couch. Your dress rides up. Connor looks away trying to preserve your privacy. He finds a blanket and puts it over you, sitting in a chair next to you. He monitors you, making sure you stay alive. A few strands of your hair fell over your face when he placed you down. He takes his fingers, brushing your hair out of your eyes. You stir a bit in your sleep causing him to stop in fear of you waking up.


Light from a window hits your eyes, gently waking you up. Your eyes flutter open for a second before shutting again. You were about to fall back asleep until you realized that you weren't in your own home. You sit up quickly, scared that you got kidnapped or something. You look in the window and see your neighborhood. You must be in hanks house. You're about to get up and close the window shades but you hear a voice that stops you.

"You should really rest," A younger man says, standing up and shutting the window for you. "Who are you?" You ask, trying to distance yourself from him. "Don't be scared I won't hurt you," he says. "I'm Connor. I'm your neighbor," that isn't right. "My neighbor is a 60 year old buzz kill not an android," you say sounding confused.

"Thats Lieutenant Anderson alright. I'm his partner," he says. "Oh damn. To each his own I guess. But I'm just saying you could do so much better than him," you say. Connor looks embarrassed as he realizes what you meant. "Work partner... we're detectives," Connor says. "Oh shit I'm so sorry for assuming-" he cuts you off. "It's okay," You notice there's a cup of water on the coffee table. You pick it up and take a sip from it.

"What happened?" You asked him. "You almost overdosed on Advil. You had taken six." He told you. "Wild. I was sure I only took like two," you say as you start biting your nails. It was a bad habit of yours. You did it when you were bored or nervous. "Was it not intentional?" Connor asked. "No? I may be fucked up but I'm not suicidal," you respond laughing slightly. "I don't understand what is funny?" Connor says confused on why you're laughing about such a serious topic. "You're too cute. It's nothing," Connor blushes slightly.

At that moment hank walks in. "Oh you're awake. Are you well enough to leave yet," hank says, looking over to you and Connor sitting by the couch. "Ouch Hank. Are you not enjoying my company?" You say teasing him. "You don't even know," he says. In reality he doesn't mind you much. He thinks you're a nice kid... besides the noise of course. "I'm making some coffee. You want some?" He asks. "Sure why not." Connor walks out of the room. Probably going to do some work. As he turns around and exits the room you catch yourself checking him out. "Where'd you find him? Androids are usually so dry but I like him. He's... fun" you say.

"Y/N..." hank says sitting down across from you. "Yeah Lieutenant?" You ask, poking fun at how Connor addresses him. "Please just- please just be safe. If Connor hadn't found you, you probably would have died and no matter how much you annoy me I wouldn't want you dead," he said with genuine concern in his voice. "I'll try," you respond.

You're feeling better so you grab your stuff in preparation to head home. You walk further into the house trying to find Connor. You find him sitting in a small office room. "Connor?" You say, standing in the doorway. "Do you need something else y/n?" He says sitting up. "No no I just wanted to thank you for finding me," you say looking down at the ground and running your hand through your hair. A weird sensation came over him. He had never felt like this before. "It was no issue  y/n. It's what anyone would have done," he blushes once you've turned and left.

You've opened the door and are about to leave until hank says something. "Hey y/n? Please try not to lead Connor on. So much has happened to him in the past months he doesn't need anything else on his plate," you give him a quick nod before leaving his house and going back to your place, changing into more comfortable clothes then going to bed. You want to recover fast considering you have work tomorrow.

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