kageyama ~ too long pt. 2

Start from the beginning

"So, Tobio-chan, where is this roommate of yours?" Oikawa asks slyly.

"Oh yeah! I totally forgot about that!" Atsumu shouts from the other room. It was honestly surprising he was able to hear over all the chatter.

Kageyama scratches the back of his neck, "Uh, she went out for the night," he explains shortly and a few of them sigh with disappointment.

"Are you sure this girl is real?" Hinata asks skeptically, pursing his lips.

"You think I'd make up a fake girl just to say I had sex?!" Kageyama retorts back, clearly agitated.

"It does look like a girl lives in here!" someone shouts and the voice sounds a little muffled from down the hall.

"Bokuto-san, you shouldn't walk into peoples' rooms without their permission," Akaashi scolds him while Iwaizumi grabs the collar of Bokuto's shirt and drags him out of the room. Soon after, the sound of a door shutting can be heard throughout the apartment.

Kageyama sighs and connects his palm and forehead. It's only been a few minutes and it was already as chaotic as ever. He just prayed that the night would go by quickly.

The rest of the night went somewhat like the beginning. People played games, sang karaoke, drank beers, ate snacks, told jokes, and everything else you would expect. Hours fly by just like that and before he even realizes, it's already almost midnight. He had hoped the group would have left by now but perhaps that was too much of a demand.

"I'm gonna use the bathroom," Kageyama excuses himself from the group and no one really gives it much attention as he leaves the room.

"I'm telling you! That's what he said!" Kuroo shouts, defending himself.

"You're lying. There's no way!" Oikawa responds, holding his stomach while laughing along with the rest of the group.

Suddenly, there's a clear ringing cutting through the room and everyone's attention turns to it.

"Hey, who's phone is this?" Osamu asks.

"Kageyama's...I think," Hinata answers him from across the circle.

"Who is it!?" Bokuto asks eagerly.

"Y/N?" Osamu says while showing the phone along with your profile pic which was nothing more than a blurry picture taken at a random time.

"We should probably just let it go to voice mail," Akaashi interrupts everyone's debate.

"You can't even see their face in this. It looks like a guy," Oikawa notes while leaning over the phone like every other person as well.

"Nope, Y/N's a girl," Kenma calmly says while tapping at his video game. However, everyone is rather shocked at his statement.

"Kenma! You know this Y/N?!" Kuroo says, speaking what everyone else was thinking.

"Yeah, she's my friend," he responds calmly.

"And how does she know Kageyama-kun?" Akaashi asks, getting sucked into all the excitement.

"She's his roommate."

"You knew all this and you didn't tell us!?" Oikawa exclaims, hands pulling at his hair in frustration.

"It didn't seem important."

His response only causes everyone else to groan while Kenma doesn't seem to understand why. Meanwhile, Atsumu is calmly explaining the entirety of yesterday's conversation to Osamu who was more than a little confused at all the commotion.

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