Chapter 8

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To say that she is shocked is an understatement.
Prachi didn't know that Adam is a married man and like a cherry on the top, he has a child.
Note the sarcasm.
But she doesn't know why she is feeling so depressed right now. She never had any feelings for her employer. Or had she?
No no..she shakes her head in an attempt to remove the unwanted thoughts. She is already in a pool of troubles. She can't think of any more right now.
But this sudden revelation seems to knock the air of her lungs down and she is in loss of words right now.
It is Adam who decides to break the silence as he clears his throat before speaking :"Well I must appreciate your effort Miss Prachi. But I am here now for my daughter. You can leave."
Prachi seems to have come back in the earth with his rude words.
The momentary weakness is long forgotten. Hearing his words, she feels anger in her vain.
Thus she replies in not so polite manner, "Well nice to know that you actually know my name and it proves that you have always mocked my name knowingly. I can't believe I am wasting my time expressing myself to such a rude emotionless cold person who doesn't even know how to show gratitude. What was I expecting? Fine. I don't have so free time to entertain you Mr. Thanks to my arrogantly heartless boss who decided to fire me for a silly mistake of mine. So I better go to find a new job. Take care of this little angel at least."
Adam raises his brows listening to her words and before her exiting, he decides to stop her. Afterall now he has decided what he would like to do with this little minx with fiery attitude.
"Wait Miss. I have something to tell you too."
Prachi halts on her way without turning back as Adam continues, "I know it was not right of me to fire you at once without any prior warning."
As Prachi gets the biggest shock of her life hearing his form of excuse, he looks back at him. But she doesn't interrupt his words.
Adam continues, "What? If you are expecting any sorry from me, then I must ask you not to raise your hope. I am not a person to ask for forgiveness. It is not in my nature. Moreover I was not alone in fault. You didn't do the right thing also."
The other people present there including Scarlett doesn't understand any thing happening around them. So they decide to keep quiet and follow the scene to unfold before them.
As Prachi throws dagger at Adam hering his way of explanation, Adam sighs loudly and resumes talking :"Okay. Can we talk privately for a sec? I am not in habit of having talks of my private interests publicly. So if you follow me, it would be better. No worry. I will drop you wherever you are going. In the meanwhile, we can talk privately in my car. It's really urgent matter."
Prachi is about to open her mouth to interject when he decides to continue again :"I insist. Please."
Prachi can't ignore his plea and decides to follow him.
As they are about to exit the place with Anna in Adam's arms, followed by Prachi, Scarlett interrupts them.
"Excuse me bro. Where the hell are you going guys? You just can't leave like that. Do you both know each other? Whatever but you can't take Anna with you like that. There are some rules and regulations in this hospital you know."
Adam looks back at them with cold eyes and voices his opinion :"Well I don't care about any rule. My child will not stay here any longer. Her primary medication is finished. So I don't think I have any problem to take her to home now. And if there would be any problem, my secretary will handle. I have some important matters to handle and I can't leave my baby here crying alone. So she will stay with me this whole day. You can come to home in your personal car."

Then coming two steps forward, he continues again :"And one more thing. I am going to fire Mary. She is unable to do one job in which she was appointed. I will arrange another nanny for my baby. Tell Mary not to come in front of me once I return to home if she doesn't wish to receive my wrath. I want her with all of her belongings away from my home before I enter there. Or else she will not even get her last paycheck."
And then he storms out of the room followed by a confused Prachi.
Scarlett sighs and decides to inform Mary. Although she is feeling a little pity for the girl, Mary has earned it. She didn't take her job seriously.
As she is about to exit the hospital after informing Mary, she stops in her tracks looking at the scene in front of her and she feels someone slashes her heart into two pieces with a sharp knife.
Steven is standing there at the corner and chatting animatedly with a pretty blonde who seems to enjoy her company also. They are looking like a perfect couple together. Moreover this is probably the first time Scarlett is watching this man in such a light mood. She has never seen him smiling in the college. He is always that grumpy strict professor who never likes to speak with his students without much necessity.
Scarlett always admires him from afar but never had enough courage to face him. She has even heard that he is a short tempered man who always prefers to separate his private and professional life. That's why nobody knows anything about his personal life yet. But there is a rumour that some of the students have seen him sometimes somewhere with a pretty lady of his age.
But knowing his reputation, Scarlett never paid any attention to those rumours but now she is feeling that the rumours are not wrong actually.
This lady might be that 'lucky mysterious one' who seems to have captured the heart of this cold man.
But Scarlett doesn't know anymore how she is feeling.
She regains her sense when Emma nudges her ribs with her elbow.
She realises that tears have already blurred her vision. When she looks back at her friend, she notices the sympathetic look at her eyes. Before saying anything, suddenly she hears a familiar voice :
"Scarlett? Is that you?What are you doing here? In hospital? Is everything alright? Are you okay?"
Scarlett doesn't face him in fear of getting caught at once. Looking at her pathetic condition, Emma decides to intervene to rescue her friend :
"No sir. We are fine. Scarlett and I came here for some other urgent work. I hope you are fine too."
But Steven's eyes are firmly on the back of stubborn girl who hasn't yet decided to look back at him in his eyes and give him reply. Thus he continues :
"Why are you not looking at me? Are you really allright?"
Scarlett is grateful at her friend for saving her some moments and she composes herself before looking back at the pair of green eyes and replying :"Yes sir. Nothing is wrong with us."
She doesnt miss the mysterious lady who is clinging at Steven's arm like a leech.
Steven doesn't also overlook the redness in her eyes as if she was crying just a moment ago. But he is confused at his own thoughts. He dismisses his thoughts taking it as his misunderstanding.
Scarlett can't take it at all so she decides to leave the place. She doesn't know what to do anymore.
Thus she interrupts his thoughts :"I am sorry but I need to go back now. I am in a hurry. Bye sir. See you in the college."
Then without giving any scope of any reply to Steven, Scarlett holds Emma's hand and drags her out of the hospital hurriedly along with her.
For the first time in a few years, Steven is puzzled and he can't avoid the feeling of anxiety whenever he remembers the sad face of Scarlett.
She is one of the brilliant students of his class. He never interacted with her personally that never means he didn't notice her. She always has a positive vibe around her and her eyes have a ray of hope, hope of a bright future. She never gives up on her dreams. He always admires her this determination and strong motivational character.
However today for the first time he notices the lack of light in her eyes and it feels like behind the apple of her eye, there is only darkness and despair. And he shudders inwardly thinking what can be the reason of her hopelessness.
to be continued..

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