Chapter 1

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It was another sunny day in London.

People were busy in the streets. But there was a small crowd in front of the huge ten-storeyed building. It was the main branch of Torcelli.Co and Ltd. The company was considered to be one of the most reputed organizations in this country. It had twelve branches all over the world whereas London reserved the main branch. The whole building had an aura that couldn't be penetrated easily. It had been contributing 40% of the total profit for a few years in the company. Even the Chief Executive Officer of this branch had won the award of the best businessman in the last two years and everyone believed that he would complete the hat-trick of wins this year.

However strict the rule and policy of this farm might be for its employees, nobody could win over the destiny. So if it was already written in the wide gap between your head and your eyes that you would dare to break the rules to face the wrath of the real dragon cum employer, who the hell could deny it?

Prachi was cursing her fate when she realized she might be one of the most unfortunate ones and thus she was blessed with this kind of luck.

Nevertheless, she was trying hard to stop this ongoing entertainment by the side of the road but she felt helpless at that moment.
Yes, entertainment it was, at least for Prachi. She couldn't think of naming 'the show' anything else and to make it more realistic, she was the main character of the drama. For the past fifteen minutes, she had been trying to converse in a civilized manner with the brute in front of her but her patience was running low now.

The life which she left behind before coming to this new country, was again haunting her. She couldn't understand how she should have to react now. Nonetheless, she decided to stay erect on her point. It took a hell of a lot of strength in her to forget those ominous days. She had to endure a lot to close that dark chapter of her life. She just couldn't be weak now.

Thus straightening her posture once again she looked directly at the dark eyes before her and said in an authoritative tone, "Leave my hand now. This is my workplace. Not a stage. You may have no problem with making scenes at the roadside but I do care for my job. So I can't satisfy you with another phase of entertainment. So go away from where you have come. You are not wanted here. Is it so difficult to understand? "

"Why are you doing this Prachi? I know I have lost all my rights to you. But just for once try to put yourself in my shoes and think again. Won't you do the same if you were at my place?" - asked the 5'10" tall man in a frustrating tone. He didn't look like the native individuals of this country. Because he was not the one. He was an Indian by birth just like Prachi herself. This dusk-colored human with a stunning profile was well acquainted with Prachi. Or rather we can say he had been once well acquainted with her.

Prachi was shocked. Whoa! Did he just defend himself for using her? What does he think of himself? She replied with full confidence: "Mr. Niladri, you are just so full of yourself. Aren't you? And no. The answer to your question is no. Unlike some certain persons, I will never in my wildest dream use any person just to get what I desire."

For a moment it seemed like there was a hint of guilt in his face, which he covered so soon with his arrogance that Prachi didn't notice it. The damn man showed his irritation at her stubbornness but he decided to handle the situation with patience: "Look. I understand I hurt you. But that's why I am here now to ask for your forgiveness and make it up to you. Aren't I?"

Prachi kept quiet for a few moments looking at him. She tried to find that old loving person, that charming personality in the shell of this arrogant man whom she had admired once for so many reasons. Who the hell was he? But deep down in her heart, she knew this was his real self the self-centered, dominant, haughty bastard. After all, how could she forget? She had seen this ruthless personality before although it had been a long time. Only her heart was still in denial that she wasted so many years of her life loving this cruel man.

So she decided to go to the straight point: "I guess you are 5 years late then. I am neither any toy nor a freaking puppet to dance at your signal always Mister. I have already moved on from my past life and I will suggest you do the same. Life is not any movie that whatever you will wish you will get always. So just learn to accept the rejection. I know rejection hurts. Nobody knows it better than me. But you should accept the fact that I am not that silly, naive girl anymore. So for the last time, I am warning you to leave my hand and stop following me. And by the way, you already got whom you want 5 years ago. So what are you doing here now?"

Her hard glare along with the naked truth in her tongue made him uncomfortable momentarily but he shook his nervousness and tried to walk forward to grab her another hand but before he took a single step ahead, a loud thundering voice shook his core.

" What the hell is happening here? "



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