He took a deep breath and placed his hand over mine, his leg bouncing coming to a stop as he noticeably relaxed in his seat.

"Thank you."

"For what? I didn't do anything." I chuckled, reaching into my small purse for a piece of gum.

"Not about that. Just...thank you for everything you've ever done for me. I genuinely don't know where I would be without you." He whispers, making me look up at him to see how heartfelt his words are.

"You'd probably be in ditch somewhere." I joked, making him crack a smile and scrunch his nose up.

"Hey." He whined, pinching my side. My hand flew to my mouth as I squealed before I punched his arm lightly.

"I pour my heart out to you and you hit me? I can't believe this." He playfully scoffed, turning to look out the window.

Hiding my amusement, I reach over the armrest and kiss the spot between his ear and jawline. He was fighting a smile, which made me feel accomplished as I sat back in my seat normally, tightening my seatbelt and continuing my search for a piece of gum.

My fingers brushed against a piece of paper and confusedly, I pull it out.

"Oh my god." I mumbled, a nostalgic feeling flooding through me as I remember the moment I got this note.

"What is that?" Harry asked, staring at the paper.

"You shall soon meet the one who brings joy to you." I read the fortune aloud. I snort at how stupid it sounds. "Bullshit."

"Riley and I went to the mall and I got Chinese food from the food court. I got this fortune in my cookie." I briefly explain, turning away from the fortune in my hand and looking at him with a grin. "That was on the day Louis invited us all to the ice rink to meet you."

Harry still looked a little confused. "That was so long ago."

"I know." I sighed, finding myself missing those days. Two years is a long time, and a lot has happened since then.

Zayn and Riley are still together. They actually moved into together not too long ago and I'm very happy for them. I think the biggest surprise last year is Nick and Louis were also together and couldn't be happier.

Harry moved in with me a few days after my twenty-third birthday. I remember the day I asked him to live with me like it was yesterday.

"I missed you." Harry breathed through his lips on mine, roughly connecting them once again as we blindly walked into my room.

"I missed you too." I mumbled against his mouth, tightening my arms around his shoulders.

I haven't been able to see him much this entire month and it sucked. From training to shows, I barely even had time to sleep let alone see him.

The only time I got to spend with him is when he stayed the night with me on the days I was home - which gave me an idea.

I pulled away from his lips for a quick second, breathing heavily as I rested my forehead against his.

"Move in with me."

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