Chapter 4: Among the sleepless

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I awoke in a sweat. I glance over at the clock, it's only 12:56. I thought I had slept longer than that. I feel the warmth of my wife still next to me, this helps comfort me through the dream I just had. If I can't sleep I should go ahead and go for a walk that always helped me through the sleepless nights. I slipped on a robe and some house shoes, after all I'm not planing on going far. I walk into the hallway, and get the weirdest feeling of someone watching me. I began to walk through the house as each step had a audible creek. This just added to the feeling. There was a mannequin set up in the hallway. The mannequin I had seen once before, in the front room. I begin to think maybe my wife just moved and continue you on to the kitchen. I walk towards the glass door that leads out back to see that the condensation on the window had been disturbed. There was hand marks rubbing up and down the glass, almost like a dog scratching to get in. "Maybe just some raccoons." I thought to myself. I began to feel the uneasiness increase as I moved towards the kitchen. When I flipped on the kitchen light I swore for a split second I saw a face staring back at me. As blinked and rubbed my eyes and it was gone. I walk over to one of the cabinets to get a glass. When I opened the cabinet all the glass from the top began to fall on me. "Shit." She probably just didn't put them up very well. I hope I didn't wake her. I pick from the remaining glasses and walk over to the sink. I put the glass under the facet. As the water comes out it appears red at first. Maybe its just the calcium in the water. I turn around to see a dog like creature with a human face and razor sharp teeth. "Always with you." It hissed at me. It sat there for a second just staring at me. I began to panic, when I heard a scream from upstairs. "Kylee!" I scream. I look back to see the creature gone. I heard a sound of something crashing down the stairs, and shatter the back door. I run out the back door to see a lake I don't ever remember being there. I rush over to the edge of the porch and look down. There was quite a big drop, and I look down to see ripples still working there way to the edge. I jump in after her. The water was so cold, I work my way down as far as I could go. The further I went down the less light I could see from the top. The darkness was over powering, and I began to lose my way from up and down. I watch as the dark circles grew closer in until it was just black...

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