Chapter 31: Doomsday Comes to Brooklyn

Start from the beginning

(Kushida vs. Strong vs. Dunne)

The next match was the triple threat match for the NXT North American Championship. Strong and Dunne were both worthy challengers for the Time Splitter. The Bruiserwieght had the advantage of joint manipulation as he bent Kushida's fingers and then snapped them. While Dunne locked in a painful submission by pulling on the champion's fingers, Strong broke the hold and caught Dunne in one of his backbreakers.

There were a lot of painful spots such as Dunne stepping on Strong's fingers using the steel steps and Strong using the ring apron to land a painful back suplex on Kushida.

Dunne was taken out of the equation thanks to the presence of O'Reilly and Fish, but Kushida took them out with a suicide flip. In the end, Kushida locked in the Hoverboard Lock in the middle of the ring, forcing Strong to tap out, making Kushida retain in the process.

Now it was time for the NXT Women's Championship match as the Pirate Princess defends her treasure against her good friend, the Girl with the Shiniest Wizard. There was a lot of respect between the two as they smiled and nodded at each other.

After the introductions of the competitors were made and the title was raised, the bell rang and one of the high caliber matches has started.

(Kairi vs. Tegan)

After Kairi and Tegan shared a sportsmanship handshake, the two women locked up while the crowd cheered on their favorite to win.

There was a sequence as the two women avoided each other's offense moves like Tegan avoiding an attempted axe kick from Kairi and the Pirate Princess escaping a chokeslam attempt from the challenger.

The crowd clapped as the two smiled and nodded in each other in respect.

(Minutes later)

Kairi kicked out after Tegan took her down with a chokeslam. Lady Kane is measuring for the Shiniest Wizard, but as Tegan launched, Kairi fired back with a spear on her. Kairi went for the pin, but Tegan managed to kick out.

Then after Tegan nailed another chokeslam, she managed to hit Kairi with the Shiniest Wizard. As Tegan went for the pin, Kairi kicked out at the last second, much to the shock of Tegan and the live Brooklyn crowd.

Kairi got back up and took down Tegan with a dropkick, but Tegan immediately got back up, but she was speared by Kairi. Then the champion climbed to the top turnbuckle and hits the Insane Elbow.

As Kairi went for the pin, Tegan kicked out at the last second, much to the shock of Kairi.

The crowd cheered loud as both Kairi and Tegan were struggling to get to their feet as they were both tired.


After Kairi ducked another Shiniest Wizard attempt from Tegan, the Pirate Princess took her down with another spear, and then finished her off with the Insane Elbow for the pinfall win.

The crowd gave both women a standing ovation as Kairi helped Tegan to her feet. The two friends hugged each other and then raised each other's arms. Then they walked up the ramp while the crowd clapped.

(Main event)

It was now time for the main event as the NXT Championship is hanging above the ring, and the only way to win is to climb the ladder and retrieve the title.

Kairi gave Kenji a good luck kiss at the gorilla just as the entrances were made. Matt Riddle made his entrance first.

Then Keith Lee; followed by Adam Cole, Finn Balor and the current champion Kenji Cruz.

The Pirate Princess' Treasure (Kairi Sane x OC)Where stories live. Discover now