Argument (Egyptian)

858 32 15

Bastet: *bursts into the room* UGH! Why do all the stupid mortals think it was cool that I battled Apophis every day for years. It was torture! They're basically mocking my misery! *notices Horus* I envy you. Everybody knows how you triumphed over Set.


Horus: Dude. You think the battles with Set were fun? He ripped out my damn eyeball.

Isis: Just an eyeball? You flipping cut my head off, son!

Osiris: I was the one who was completely dismembered, don't complain about a lost head.

Horus: Mother, you cut off my hands.

Set: Shut up Horus! You gave me that lettuce. You ruined salad for me!

Horus: Nobody likes salad anyways.

Hathor: I do!

Set: *ignores her* At least you weren't cheated on by your wife! *glares at Nephthys and Osiris*

Osiris: Yo no need for the shade geez- and it wasn't even my fault!

Nephthys: At least the product is the only sane one around here.

*everybody looks at Anubis, who's trying to feed Ammit a potato*

Anubis: *drops potato* Uh what?

Nephthys and Osiris: *facepalms*

Set: Can Ammit even eat potatoes?

Thoth: Ammit is part lion, part hippopotamus and part crocodile. Potatoes wouldn't harm any of the three animals so, technically speaking, Ammit can eat potatoes.

Set: N E R D.

Thoth: *facepalms*

Anubis: Yo why is everyone smacking their faces?


Everyone: *facepalms*

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