𝟎𝟓 | Αποστολή

Start from the beginning

"Looks like someone woke up on the other side of the bed." Finral teased as he bites meat punctured on his fork, winking at her.

An irk mark appeared on her face as she placed down her utensils, 'Why am I surrounded by annoyance?' She thought as grabbed her cup of water and brought it to her lips, slowly drinking it.

Magna and Asta yelled at each other as Vanessa laughed. Finral looked at the two, "They're so energetic early in the morning." He complimented as Gordon quietly add a compliment too,
"Being energetic is good."

Medea slammed her glass of water on the table, "Indeed, being positive is great. However!" She opened her eyes, glaring menacingly at the duo. "A proper morning shouldn't be started with a scream. Lessen down your voice or I will not hesitate to obliterate you two."

Noelle sweatdropped at the reaction of her dear friend while the others laughed in amusement, finally seeing another emotion erupt in the beautiful cold face of their companion.

Medea muted the conversation of her guildmates as she focused on munching her breakfast.

Noelle and Asta looked at each of the members of their squad as they explained what a Magic Knight would do, their faces becoming doubtful as they hear their explanation.

Smoke started to appear above Medea as she waves her hand then looked at the source, seeing two Asta's facing each other. Then, saw Charmy force-feeding the real Asta a large chunk of meat.

"I had enough of this morning." Medea sighed as Noelle looked at her with a doubtful expression.

Suddenly, the door of the cafeteria was broken down as Yami kicked it open.

"Let's go, Magna." He said seriously, making Medea look at the called male.

"Yes, Captain Yami." He responded seriously as the Dark Violet-head beauty realized what they are about to do.

'They are going to gamble again.'

She tuned out the conversation and ate one of the sliced carrots with the use of her fork.

"Say, Lady Medea~" Finral called as the said lady glanced at him, "Are you free today?" He smiled as he waited for her answer.

"No." Medea blatantly said. He gave a disappointed look then thought of an idea as his eyes light up.

"Then, how about this weekend? You are free, right?"

She sighed as she placed her fork and eyed him, "Apparently, why?"

"Great! Then, make that slot for me only! I know a good place for us to bond~" He said happily he winked at her.

"No." She turned away from him but Finral immediately responded to stop her, "The place is close to the headquarters of the Golden Dawn."

Medea stopped her movements as she eyed him in the eye to see any lies but it was all pure honesty. She smirked as she gave him a fake and cunning smile.

"Really?" Medea asked with fake anticipation seeing Finral's eyes light up, "That's great. Nice try, come again." She smiled sweetly at him then faced her food returning to her cold demeanor.

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