Part 13

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AN: all mistakes are my own, please enjoy xx

Chapter 13

Another dull two full days passed at the compound, the protestors where still there even though they had diminished to only a handful of people obviously dedicated to making a point. Steve had text asking for radio silence just in case, so no more texts from Bucky. Or phone calls. Or sexy phone calls.

Emma kept to her routine of exercise, research and news reports, stopping for lunch with Maria and she was getting to know her more and more and realised that she really liked. She told Emma about Fury and potentially made his sound less scary to her.

The afternoon was dragging a little when Maria had asked FRIDAY to get Emma to meet her in the Obs office. Emma hadn't heard from anyone on the team as yet today and it had her worried.

"Hey, everything ok?" She question as she entered.

Maria spun her chair around and smiled. "Yes all good. I've just spoken to Tony they have managed to get some kind of half cophoreal body away from Ultron and the enhanced that we thought were against us are actually with us, so potential new people."

"So are they coming home?"

"Not, yet. They are still at the lab, planning the next move." She frowned at Maria and felt like she was a little off some how, something in her scent, a small lie or an omission maybe, but couldn't place about what, holding back maybe. "The reason I wanted you was, you've got a visitor today, well two."

"What?" She didn't like the sound of this.

"Don't worry it's fine. When you first got here Tony and Bruce reached out to a mutant expert because we weren't sure what the beast was etc. Well they gave us a load of information of mutation and genetics and stuff, and have been helpful, but they want to meet you and see if they can offer you any further help with memories or even counselling style sessions." She paused to gauge Emma's reaction. "What do you think?"

"Dunno." She sat her backside on the edge of Maria desk and nudged a folder, catching it just before it fell on the floor. "Sorry." She righted the folder as she thought, if she wanted to have a life, she needed all the help she could get and she wanted to be able to at least kiss Bucky, just once maybe, one small kiss. "Ok, when?"

Maria smiled. "Three." She reached for the file that she had knocked off. "And this is actually for your as well. You said at lunch the their day that you hadn't got a lot of information about where you kept etc and I know that Tony hasn't told you much. It's not anything you shouldn't know, I think they were trying to save you bad memories. But it's all in there, if you wanted to look."

She took it from her and smiled. "Thank you." She gave it back without opening it. "Maybe not today though." She already felt like meeting new people was going to be enough.

Maria put it on the desk behind her and smiled kindly. "Only when your ready Emma, you deserve as many answers as anyone can give you."

"Thanks. So, I'd better go brush my hair for visitors." She gestured to her messy bun perched on top of her head.

"Nah, it suits you up like that. And why should you change for anyone. When they get here I will put them in the kitchen, on the sofas, it quiet and comfy." Emma nodded, still determined to brush her hair before they arrived in just under and hour. She was halfway out the door when Maria spoke again. "Last thing, one of the is in a wheelchair and the other is blue."

"I'm sorry what now?"she turned in the doorway and looked at her horrified. "Blue?"

Maria nodded. "Try not to stare I guess." She shrugged smiling.

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