Untitled Part 9

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AN: ENJOY!!!  all mistakes my own...again!

Chapter 9

It was another hour, nearly midnight before the party died down and her phone buzzed with a text.

NatRom: Get you ass down here for beer!

Emma: Do I really have 2?

She was still shaken from what had happened with Bucky and she would've loved to simply crawl under a rock and ignore the world.

NatRom: Don't make me find you!

She rolled her eyes realising that there was no getting out of it.

Emma: On my way.

She went up the roof first to smoke. It calmed her and was as much outside as she felt she could get for some reason. She loved the night sky, the fresh air, but for some reason that she couldn't ever pin down she hated being outside and it was like it was ingrained in her subconscious to stay inside. After she told herself that she was totally calm, she wandered into the main communal area and sat on the edge of the couch nearest Nat. She was greeted by them all, Thor cheered, Clint winked at her, but Bucky didn't even raise his eyes from his drink to look at her. Fine she thought, I can play that game too.

Nat pulled her off the couch over to the bar. "So let's drink, while you talk."

Leaning on the bar while Nat went behind it and started to pour her a drink, Emma huffed. "I don't feel like talking. I feel like sleeping or even better, hitting something."

Nat raised her eyebrows. "Sounds fun. Anyone in particular?" As she said it, she gestured with her eyes for Emma to look behind her. Bucky was leaning back on the couch, ankle balanced on his opposite knee, flesh hand resting on the back of the sofa, his head angled down a little, eyes piecing into her and his intense expression unreadable. "He hasn't taken his eyes of you since you moved from the couch."

She turned back to Nat picking up the red drink in front of her and downing it in one go. She sighed as she put the glass back down. Then she grimaced. "Ok, that was disgusting."

"Did something happen?" Nat's voice was quiet and concerned, her eyes flitted to Bucky and back. "Something happened!"

Emma shook her head, then shrugged and reached forward grabbing a beer that was to one side. "No. Yes."

"Seriously Emma, he is boring into your back with murderous intent. Come on?!"

She looked at Nat and then away again. "Can we leave it for tonight?" Nat opened her mouth to speak, but Emma cut her off, sighing. "Please?" Nat nodded with her eyebrows raised again. "Thanks. I'm just done with all of it right now." They wandered with their drinks back to the crowd on the couches.

Clint was spinning a set of drunk sticks in between his fingers, he looked Thor's hammer. "But, it's a trick!"

"Oh, no. It's much more than that." Thor's voice boomed.

"Uh, "Whosoever be he worthy shall haveth the power!" Whatever man! It's a trick." Clint laughed again.

"Well please, be my guest." He gestured to his hammer resting on the table in front of them.


"Yeah!" Barton got up and made his way to stand in front of the hammer.

Tony chimed in. "Clint, you've had a tough week, we won't hold it against you if you can't get it up."

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