Chapter Six - Adrienne

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(Disclaimer: I have never read someone's tarot or had mine read to me. In this chapter I'm using information from research and from a friend who does read tarots, not my own experience so bear with me if some of the reading is inaccurate or if my facts aren't completely true, I tried my best.)

I clench my fists in the thin fabric of my skirt, apprehensive for the next words to spill out of Aesira's mouth. What is she going to foretell? It could be harmless. Chances are, it won't be anything alarming or worth much thought, but there's a feeling tiptoeing up my spine that says otherwise. The candle flickers wildly, but there is no wind in the little shop. Solemnly, Aesira places three cards on the table before me and looks me in the eyes.

"This is the Seven of Wands," Aesira announces, holding the first card up in her thumb and forefinger. "Discussion, negotiations and trades of some sort are forthcoming in the future for you." She places it back down carefully, and draws the middle card. "This one is the Hanged Man. It shows wisdom, trials, and sacrifices— and it predicts personal struggles in your life as a result of choices that will be very hard for you to make." I shiver as I listen to Aesira speak. None of this bodes well for my future, and I'm not sure what to make of the information that she is giving me.

She picks up the next card and waves it slightly without speaking. "...What's that one?" I ask nervously. Aesira sighs. "This is the Hierophant. It means allegiance, and captivity." I blink slowly. "Captivity? Like... prison?" Sira shrugs agitatedly. "I don't know. That's really all I can tell you, Adri. I'm not really sensing anything else." Unsettled, I shift in my seat. I'm unsure of what to say after all of that— but Aesira speaks before I do. 

"Look, they could be deeper messages than that. It's up to you to use your intuition and figure out the meanings yourself. I'm mostly a messenger, if that makes sense." I smile at her slightly. "I'll think about it, and I'll be back tomorrow. I have a commission coming up tonight and judging from the way Tarryn shouted at me this morning, it's pretty damn important." Aesira stands and blows out the candle quickly. "Alright, it was nice to see you Adrienne. I've been missing you, it gets lonely down here sometimes." I hug her gently, peck her cheek, then head towards the door reluctantly. As I step out of the shop, I inhale deeply. The tarot reading still has me a little uncomfortable, but I convince myself halfheartedly that it won't mean anything significant. Maybe captivity means that Tarryn will get pissed off at me and lock me in my room.

Rolling my shoulders slightly, I head back in the direction of home, musing over what Aesira said as I walk. 

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