let me lift the weight

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If Louis had to describe how he was feeling in one word that's what he would chose.

He has woken up about an hour before Harry's alarm is set to go off. He feels like his throat is closing up and he can't get a good breath into his lungs, he knows he has a lot of work to do today but he just feels completely useless.

Sometimes everything just gets too much and it starts to feel like this invisible weight holding him down and stopping him from doing things that he needs to get done. It's like his mind has left his body and is looming above his head, just in his eyeline, displaying everything he knows he needs to do but he physically can't drag himself out of bed, no matter how hard he tries, the thin blanket covering his body is making him feel like he's trapped beneath the earth in a small wooden box with barely any oxygen left to help him survive.

That feeling of not being able to breathe takes over his mind once again and the claustrophobia sits tightly on his chest.

His head feels light enough to move so he turns to the side and see's his boyfriend resting gentling on the pillows next to his own. All he wants to do is cuddle up behind the boy and place delicate kisses all over the back of his neck while lightly running his fingers through his unruly hair. He wants to take in the light smell of his loves raspberry and pomegranate body wash he insisted on having because "it's a really pretty colour Lou and I think it smells nice." Louis softly smiles at the memory and tries to relax his breathing by thinking about harry and how easy everything is when he is with him.

He slowly starts to feel as though the room around him is expanding and the light he needs is just out of reach, better than not seeing it at all, he thinks. Unfortunately, the little light starts to fade away as a relentless beeping noise comes from the other side of the bed. His thoughts of harry disappearing almost completely, never fully, his mind always seems to have small thoughts of the curly haired boy lingering around. He loves him, so he'll never complain that he gets to have memories of the two of them loitering around his brain forever. In fact, that is the very reason he even seems to get through his days, most of the time.

While louis is possessed by his thoughts. Harry wakes up and feels what's left of Louis' body heat looming over his back, it seemed to have disappeared a little while ago, though his thoughts are interrupted when a sudden chill ran up his spin making him shiver.

"louuu, where'd you go." harry whines in his gravely morning voice, he just wants extra snuggles, they both have long days ahead of them and harry sneakily set his alarm a bit earlier so they could cuddle with each other in the warmth of their bed for just a little while before letting reality set in.

Louis doesn't really remember when he let the tears fall from his eyes but he knows that when it happens each tear is it's own individual emotion he has been holding in and keeping to himself. He stares silently up at the ceiling, letting the salty water rush down his cheeks and onto the pillow resting below his head. He still hasn't been able to move much since he first woke up and at this point he doesn't even want to try, he wants to sleep the day away and since he feels like he can't move that may be the only option.

He hears a quite muttering to his right and then a gasp fall from the set of lips he loves more than anything.

As harry turns around his whole demeaner changes instantly and he pounces on louis and wraps him up safe in his arms. He holds him with all his love and kisses away the tears that keep pooling in the older boys usually, happy, bright blue eyes. All while they run down softly over his beautifully sculptured cheekbones.

Harry only whispers sweet words of how much he loves the boy and to just let it all out.

As Louis' tears slowly diminish harry loosens his tight hold on the boy and pulls him up onto his broad naked chest and gently pads his fingers through the smaller boys soft chestnut hair.

when Louis' breathing slowly starts to even out he hears a delicate rendition of "Landslide" taking over his hearing. Harry's morning voice adding a certain soothing factor to the song, making it sound so beautiful. Louis feels so lucky he gets to hear that, usually whenever he wants.

"I'm okay, sorry for making you late. I heard your alarm go off, you can blame me when they get mad." Louis speaks in a small voice that is slightly croaky due to its lack of use. He still doesn't move.

Louis doesn't let harry speak before he tries to break the serious atmosphere by lightly teasing the boy "you sound beautiful baby and I love you very much, I really do but you and I both know nothing beats Stevie Nicks." 

He looks up through his eyelashes, still tinted with the ruminants of tears, and smiles sadly at his darling boy.

Harry learns down and kisses the boys eye lids and then softly all over his face, making a giggle erupt from deep within louis chest, more sounding when he feels the curls tickling his neck and ears. Harry wants to hear that sound forever, but he can't help himself when he leans down further and plants a simple kiss on louis' lips, lingering for a little before pulling back and holding him closer than before.

The younger boy speaks up after a couple of minutes and louis listens as intently as he can while also focusing on the thump of Harry's heart beat he can hear clearly lying on his chest.

"I remember when I was little and I would get worried." he starts, "my mum used to hold me until I had stopped crying and then she would take my hand to her heart and tell me to give her all my worries." Harry starts smiling, he misses his mum and made a mental note to call later and talk to her about everything.

Louis hummed as he felt harry lift him off his chest and slide down so they were face to face lying next to one another. He picked up louis' small firm hand and rested it on his heart.

"give me your worries lou, let me have them for today and hold onto them for you." Tears start to appear in both of their eyes, each so grateful to have the other. "I love you and if I can take away your pain, even just for today, it will show you just how much we're a team. There ain't no me if their ain't no you baby."

Harry softly leans in and kisses the boy again, "Let me lift the weight off of your shoulders and wear it on mine, just for a little while."

Louis leans in and kisses where Harry's heart is, feeling the slight warmth where their intertwined hands were laying, rest on his lips.

"I can't make you be strong for both of us harry, my weakness will drag you down, that's not fair."

Harry raises louis' head up by bringing his fingers under his chin, "love makes you strong, with how much I love you I'm pretty sure I must be the strongest man in the world. You are my unconditional loubear. You're it for me."

Harry takes his hand again and rests it on his lips, breath warm and smooth on louis' small fingers. He moves them down hovering over his heart.

"You're the bravest, toughest person out there. You're not weak and never will be. Your heart has to hold so much, let me take some of that weight off of it okay. Let me carry it for you."

Tears spring to Louis' eyes as harry continues talking "You're my forever, I never want you to think that you can't let me help you. We do this together okay, we always do and look at us. Imagine they could see how strong we are with each other and how much love we have between us. You are not and will never be weak."

Louis leans over and locks his lips with Harry's. The kiss is soft and gentle and full of all their love. They both smile into the kiss and continue to smile brightly even after they've pulled away.

"The amount of love I have for you is ridiculous haz. I love you so much" Louis chuckles, feeling a bit lighter than before. The weight still present on his shoulders but he can move.

As Louis falls asleep a little while later, exhausted from all the emotion circling his head. Harry reaches over and texts his manger and louis' saying they both can't make it in today for the meetings they have. He doesn't wait for a response because he knows it won't be positive and powers his phone off and snuggles down into the sleeping boy he loves. His own breathing slowly evens out leaving the two cuddled together under blankets, dry tear stained cheeks and hearts full of love they know will last forever.

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