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As tzuyu and the other wake up they all wash their face and head to dining hall to eat some fruit before talking about the cure

So the cure we can't make it right?-tzuyu ask lisa and the others

Well yeah they been blow up-seulgie said and chuckle

The two pricipal is not use to science-tzuyu said and they nod there head

Well we don't have any choice just to wait for the rescuer-lisa said and they hmm for agreement

Well it's benn three days since we are here and the food is almost gone we have to go out-tzuyu said and lisa raised her hand

We don't have choice but to steal it if you are going im in-lisa said and smile

Well unnie can we?-tzuyu ask the two oldest infront of them

Ah...just be back early-irene said and the two smile before standing up

Well just say it to the other unnie-lisa said and the two older nod before the two go out of the bunker

Well there is the nearest store-lisa said and point at the north-west and tzuyu nod before walking there


After 12 minutes they have arriave at the store and enter it

As they enter they took a 3 busket and filled it with veggies,fruit and snacks and of course water and some wine

After they took many food they say sorry infront of the store before going to the bunker again

As they were walking they stop when they here the bush moving

Sfx:*bush rustle 3x*

As it the bush stop a rabbit came out

They sigh of relievely and start walking again not making a loud noise again


As they got back in the bunker they enter the passcode and go inside seeing the boys still sleeping even the girls inside are slightly loud

They bring the food in the table of living room

Unnie!-tzuyu said half yelled and her three unnie come out of the kitchen

Here we go to the store near there-tzuyu said to her unnie and her unnie smile thankfully and bring it to the kitchen


As the food for lunch was ready tzuyu and the other of her unnie gave the food to the boys who is guarding the door

The boys was again magnificent about the food and thank them

I try to call some police and they answer it i guess they are ok so i said thay we need help and we are student they say they will call some rescuer to come her in few days-nayeon said and we all cheer

As we stop cheering because we here something knocking or what the door we go near the door and the boys was about to open but i stop them

Wait i cast something-tzuyu whisper and they both nod

After i cast the spell they both open the door and same time point their sword beacuase they were human

What do you want?-tzuyu ask them coldly

We just see this and we open try to knock-the boy in the middle said

Why did you come here?-tzuyu ask them again

We don't have food and you can trust us-the boy said

Well unnie's you agree?-tzuyu ask the unnie's and they nod slowly

As the 7 boys go in jihyo gave them a food and jeongyeon gave them a warm towel

Unnie are you sure?-tzuyu ask them again and they nod

Should we make agreement to them?-tzuyu ask her unnie

Well that's good idea-her unnie jihyo said and go to the 7 boys

Excuse me but can we make agreement?-jihyo ask the boys

Ahhmm..sure-the guy before said

Well as you see the boys are only there well that is also a agreement well we are thinking like that just huard the door and we give you food-jihyo said and the boys look at each other before nodding

Well that's it i hope we had a hood relationship as a student and by the way in night and morning is only fruit and afternoon is food-jihyo add and smile

Well we are thankfull you accept us i am kim namjoon you can just call me rm and this is suga,jungkook,taehyun,jimin,jhope and jin-namjoon said and point at them

We nice to meet you all-jihyo said and excuse herself before all student go to their work

Tzuyu and lisa go to the front of the 7 boys and greet them

Hi i am tzuyu and this is lisa my partner and girlfriend-tzuyu said and they handshake

Well before this pandemic we see you both in t.v and you are the one who have the devil and angel sword right?-jungkook ask them and tzuyu nod

Well we are from freedom university by the way-jin said and smile charmingly

I guess nayeon unnie will have a rival here-tzuyu whisper to lisa and they both giggle

Well excuse us-tzuyu said and rhey both lisa go to their room

Hey im sorry i will just update this for now im doing modules🥺
So see you tomorrow😁

Lightning Strike/Love At First Sight-litzu(tzuyu x lisa)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora