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Tzuyu is ordering now and i am finding the unnie's but they were not here

Ahmmm..excuse me?-i ask the student

....ahmmm..what is it?-she ask shyly

Did you see the girls who always sit there?-i ask her and point at the table where we all sit

Ahh actually i bump to them at the hallway and there is a girl from the other school i don't know why-she said and i thank her before i go to tzuyu

Tzuyu-yah?-i called her while she eat

Yes unnie?-she ask me and look at me

I have to say to som--i was cut when her phone ring

Sorry unnie wait a minute-she said and go somewhere privately

i go to restroom and answer the phone

Ahhmmm....who is this?-i ask the caller

Meet me at the abandon school at the west-a girl with high pitch voice but still husky voice hung up as she said that


I think she is wrong caller

I go back to oir table and unnie look at me

Who call you?-she ask me

Stranger-i said and she look down before looking at me

Tzuyu let's talk later-she said and i nod slowly

-time skip-

We are now in the private room of us

Unnie what are we gonna talk about?-i ask her amd she look at me serously

I have a bad news-she said and i nod

The unnie's i think they were.....kidnap by the other school-she said and i stand up

WHY DID YOU NOT SAY IT TO ME BEFORE?!-i ask her shouting at her

Hey look at me first our fight will start in 5 minute and we have to fight-she said

How about the unnie?!-i ask her

After our fight do you have a plan?!-she ask me raising her voice a little

Ok here i fight them as long as i can and you find the unnie im sure they plan it so one of us rescue them-she said and i sit next to her

Will you be ok?-i ask jer and she smile to me

Go now i trust you and don't worry-she said and push me outside

Unnie don't die if you die i will do suicide-i shout and dash as fast as i can

I heard her chuckle and her footstep slowly fading away

I have to fight them as long as i can so we tzuyu won't worry

Lisa where is tzuyu? ask us

Something happen and i let her handle it-i said and smile

Can you handle two people?-he ask me worriedly and i nod

I handle them as long as i can-i said and stepforward to the ring


I almost got lose but thankfully my pet hunter comeout in exact time


t first time they were all shock

And now she is weak now she is fighting with me for 10 minutes all her strength

Lightning Strike/Love At First Sight-litzu(tzuyu x lisa)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora