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Loving this song💖
we are in hallway now to principal office and talk about the assasin and more

-principal office-

MR.KIM!!!-i shout

Manoban low your voice said and cover his ear

And what happen?-he ask both

Ahh well i think the assasin of our school was control by other school-i said and his eyes wide open

Really did you chase him???-he said and stand up suddenly

Ahmm about that no actually-i said and sigh

But don't worry the monster is killed by tzuyu-i said proudly

Well that's good and bad news this is the first time a school cheat so please be careful in your compitition in another day and forgive me-he aaid and look down

No it's ok please don't be sorry-tzuyu said and i nod we go now have lunch in cafeteria-tzuyu said and wave goodbye before dragging like a wind

Hey hey where are we going???!-i ask her cause we are not in the cafeteria

Rooftop-she said and smirk

Then why are you smirking?-i ask her feeling something gonna happen

You will find out-she said and continue dragging me


we are now in rooftop hehehe

So what are we gonna do here?-she ask me

Well-i said and slam her in the wall

Tz--tzu...yu yah are you..doing?-she ask me

Well did you remember our compite now?-i ask her and she nod slowly

How many is yours?-i ask her

As i remmber...235-she ask me not looking at my eyes

Remember we are tie?-i ask her and she nod

Then who killed the lizard monster?-i ask jer smirking and she look at me with wide eyes before answering you win-she said and look away again

Then we need a prize right?-i ask her and she nod

I held her chin to look at me

Then kiss me if not i will-i said serously

(You really don't like huh)3

I put my lips to her kissing her passionately

She try to move me away but still little bit weak mrs.chou

I start to move my hand by entering my hand into her shirt

When i feel her move her lips i enter my tounhe and start to french kiss her


Is lalisa me-i said breathing heavly

She slap my shoulder weakly before hugging me

I lean to her ear and whisper

But it was good lalisa-i said and she tightly hug me

I chuckle and broke the hug

Well let's go eat now it's *check the time wristwatch* 12:40 now-i said and hold her hand walk together


Unnie!-i shout and hug them

Ohh what happen to lisa?-jihyo unnie ask

Ohh nothing she is just like that-i said and chuckle

Did something happen?-nayeon unnie ask us smirking

Well we---i was cut when lisa speak

No nothing ask us to do something-she said and smile the unnie nod and continue eating with lisa unnie

Nice one lalisa-i said and chuckle before sitting

Eat well!!

Lightning Strike/Love At First Sight-litzu(tzuyu x lisa)Where stories live. Discover now