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we are now in our cafeteria eating lunch with blackpink unnie

lisa unnie?-i call her cause she is talking to her unnie

yes?-she ask me and look at me

well about the offer you ask me my father agree so i agree-i said and i smile at her

yes thank you for being my partner tzuyu-yah-she said with big smile

your welcome and when is our practice?-i ask her while i frown

well tomorrow you want?-she ask me and i nod

well tzuyu yah control your side huh-jihyo unnie said while taking a big bite in her food

hmm i practice it-i said and smile at her

and tzuyu yah let said it to our principal too so they know-she said and i nod

-minutes later-

unnie we will go to the principal office now-i said and they nod

-way to the principal office-

so where are we gonna practice?-i ask her

well the principal said there is a practice room here-she said 

ohhh i did not know-i said and we chuckle

lisa open the door for me revealing the principal busy with the papers

principal?-i said while knocking on the door well he did not notice us

ohh ohh what?-he ask us

well remember that i will participate in competition well you said i need a partner here tzuyu is my partner-lisa unnie sadi and i chuckle the way she say it

ohh congrats and the practice room is come here-he said and we come to him

well the practice room is in there enter the garden first and go to very back and you will see a underground bunker you know that look right then this swipe this card don't you dare lose this card-he said and point the garden and give us the card

well you can duplicate that if you want-he add and smile at us

thank you very much sir-we said 

don't call me sir or principal anymore call me said and hug us

don't hurt your self huh and call me if anything happen ok?-he add while hugging us and we nod

thank you again said and go out 

shall we see the secret place later after class?-i ask her and she nod excitedly

well let's go to our classroom now-i said ans start to walk

-time skip-

we are now on the way to the underground bunker that said to us

while we are walking to the back of the garden there is two guard who is in front of us now

ahhmm are you both the practicing for the competition?-he ask coldly

ahmm.....yes we are-i said nervously

well go in good luck and don't hurt yourself-they both said softly and smile at us and we bow to them before we continue to walk

wow never knew in the very back of the garden is grassland-tzuyu said and shockeness

we continue to walk and we found the underground bunker

we enter the bunker and continue to walk until we found a spilt way and 2 oak door

we go in the right way and see a simple room said and look around

i look for more and see another door

i open it revealing a restroom

tzuyu yahh look!!-i shout and she came with a shock expression

we look for more and see this......a dining table

let's go to the other one-i said to her and she nod

we go out and go to the left way and there is a note in the door

to.tzuyu and lisa

                        this is the practice room and don't worry when you use
                         magic it will not destroy the room cause it has barrier
                           and the food will be always deliver there goodluck!


i read the note and also give it to tzuyu

so this is the practice room huh-i said and open the door

so this is the practice room huh-i said and open the door

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

oohhhh!~~wow-i said in amazement

so tomorrow we will start the practice yey!!-tzuyu said excitedly

so tomorrow what we will practice?-she add and look at me

first said there is cd there in the living room so we will watch them,second after we watch those thing we will talk about how we will defeat them and start to practice-i said remembering said to me

ok and lisa can you do me favor?-she ask me

what is it?-i ask her

about my side it may take a day's to control it so please help me-she said and i nod reasurring her

so let's go home now it's 5:24 now-i said and walk out

we walk out to the bunker and go home 

of course not forgetting to get our phone no.

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Lightning Strike/Love At First Sight-litzu(tzuyu x lisa)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن