Day 9

421 9 4

A/N : Why this song ? I have No idea , just deal with it.

Skip the flight

Clara's POV:

As soon as we landed me and Mick got out of the plane and had to say goodbye to each other because we were going in different directions, I was gonna go to my set in the track and he needed to go to the hotel.

We said our goodbyes that took us like 15 minutes because we didn't wanted to go our separate ways.

The car ride to track was silent , I didn't even asked the driver to turn on the music because I was speaking with Mick through text messages because this guy has me wrapped around his finger, even if I didn't wanted to be , I was because I'm in love with him and now I know that he loves me back !

It was interesting being in love , because it was my first time, I never knew that it could be like this , so intense and so amazing. All I could think about was him and that was weird, all my life I never knew I could find someone that would love me back, for me , my destiny was already traced and I was going to be alone, I knew that that was my future until he came until my life.

After about 15 min we got to the track and I went straight into the set. As soon as I walk in everyone starts to say hello and say that thy are happy that I'm back.

After talking to the director I went to hair and makeup to start getting ready for my scene.

This next scene is going to be heated , basically is the first time that mine and timotheé's characters have sex , or make love , or whatever you wanna call it, I don't know how this is gonna go , I'm a little bit worried of what will happen in the shoot and when Mick sees the movie, this is my first time doing this kind of scenes but in the end of the day this is my job and no matter if Mick likes it or not I'm not gonna give up even if he wants me too, but what the hell , I'm over reacting , everything is gonna be ok, he will not care I AM SURE.

Mick's POV:

As soon as I get to the car to go to the hotel I start texting Clara and we talked for the entire ride.

I go straight to the reception to get my key and when I get into the hotel room I see Johanne laying on my bed naked.

M: Johanne what the hell are you doing in here ? Cover up , I don't wanna see you naked anymore , don't you understand ? We are over - I say with a little bit of anger in my voice.

She gets up and I turn around for her to get dressed.

J: I have a robe already you can turn around - Mick turns around - Mick our breakup makes absolutely no sense , you just simply broke up with me , what the hell ? We were going strong, or at least that's what I though, how can that have changed ? We loved each other Mick, or at least I loved you , I still love you.

M: Johanne I donut know what to tell you ! I loved you as well , but then I met someone, and she is the person I love right now.

J: Who is she ? Why are you talking about ?

M: I am not going to tell you who she is Johanne , we are not oficial yet , but once we start dating I can tell you who she is and you can meet her , but I want you too know that even if we didn't broke up because of her we would've broken up the same because we weren't working Johanne , we were fighting so much lately and with her everything is so much more easier.

J: So that's it ? We are just going to end like this , it's over for good ?

M: Yes Johanne , it is over for good , we are done.

J: Ok , then goodbye Mick.

Johanne got her things and left the room with tears in her eyes, part of me was sad because in the end of the day me and Johanne had history with each other, we dated for a long time and I have a lot of memories with her but now it's time to make new memories with Clara I can't keep thinking about my past because Clara and I are my future.

Seeing Johanne was a little Bit hard and I wasn't expecting to feel like this , do I still have feelings for her , do I also love her , but how is it possible to love 2 people at the same time , it isn't possible right ? That can't happen , but why do I think it's happening ? Did I rush into saying Clara things that weren't truth ?

Those thoughts were in my head feeling it , util someone knocked on my door , it was Gunther our team principal.

G: Hey man nice to see you back , how are you feeling ?

M: Good thanks for asking , is it time for the press conference already ?

G: Yes it is , that's why I am here.

M: Ok let's go then.

I closed my room door and went into the conference room with him. As soon has I got to the conference room I see my team mate that I hate there , Nikita Mazepin , I can't believe that F1 allows someone like him to get a seat but I can't complain.

I ended the conference and went straight to my room , ordered some room service and ate with Clara in FaceTime also having dinner.

This night made be sure that I don't like Johanne more than I like Clara, I still feel something for Johanne however the way that I fell for her is not as strong has the way I feel for Clara.

And just like that I fall asleep with Clara on FaceTime.

A/N: Thank you so much for 416 reads , this is insane ! I love you all so much.

Tell me in the comments what you guys want to see happening next in this Storie because I have no idea where I am going with this !

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XOXO , Your author 

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