day 6

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Clara's POV:

I woke up with Mick looking at me softly still on the plane.

M: Good morning beautiful.

C: Good morning , are we there yet?

M: We arrive in 10 minutes so we better start preparing for landing.

After those words from Mick I got up, went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and when I left Mick was already sitting in one of the seats on the plane with his belt on.

M: Come sit next to me because the plane is about to land.

I went to sit by Mick's side, fastened my belt and the plane started to come down.

When we landed we were wonderfully received, as soon as the plane door opened there were 5 people waiting for us, they put a necklace of flowers on our neck.

Person 1: Welcome to Bali! - said the lady with a smile on her face.

C: Bali !? Are you serious ?! - I said excited, I couldn't believe it, I was in Bali with Mick for our first date, he's crazy.

M: I think you will like it very much, I used to come here a lot with my family when I was younger.

Person 2: Are you ready to go to the hotel?

M: Yes we are, Mick said politely.

We both got in the car and went straight to the hotel.

As soon as we arrived at the hotel I was amazed, it was all perfect, we went straight to our private village, as soon as we entered the room I was amazed, it was all perfect there were roses on our bed, champagne and chocolate strawberries on a table in the kitchen.

Our village was practically on top of the water so our outside had a pool that used the water from the sea itself and then there was a Jacuzzi and one of those nets above the water, it all looked straight from the pinterest, it was perfect, and the best part was that I was here with Mick.

The fact that he made himself available to organise all this for our first date is wonderful.

After seeing our village we both went to change clothes, me in the bathroom and him in the bedroom, because we still don't have that kind of intimacy, and we went straight to the pool.

We both jumped at the same time and had the whole afternoon talking and getting to know each other even more than we did yesterday on the trip here. I found out so much about him that I feel I have known him since we were kids, I told him my story and he told me his story and when we noticed the sun was setting, he and I went to the edge of the pool and watched the sunset in each other's arms enjoying the rest of the day, as soon as the sun went down we left the pool and went to take a bath, separately, and started preparing for dinner.

Mick had told me it was a formal thing so I decided to wear a simple black dress that isn't too much of a stretch while he put on some black trousers with a shirt on, he looked super classy.

We left the room and went straight to a car that was already waiting for us to take us to the restaurant, until now everything was being perfect, he is perfect, this place is perfect and at this point I think I can say, I am in love with this boy. And the truth is that deep down I know I've loved him since we first met, since our eyes first crossed I knew that was the man I was going to marry and I was sure of it.

Mick's POV:

Our first day was being perfect, she and I met each other by the palm of each other and I feel for her something I never felt for Johanne, I'm sure I love Clara, I want to be with her, we are made for each other and I'm sure of it. This is the girl I'm going to marry.

I had made a reservation for dinner at the best restaurant on the island and that's where we were heading.

When I got there I helped the clara out of the car and we got in and the waiter took us directly to our table.

The dinner was wonderful, I had pasta with seafood and Clara had shrimp with sea rice, a special dish here of bali (A/N: I don't know if this is true I am making up names).

At the end of dinner Clara and I went for a walk on the beach and had an ice cream, I chose mint because this is my favorite flavor she chose strawberry because it is what she likes the most.

When we finished, I called our car and went straight back to the hotel.

When we arrived at the hotel Clara suggested that we go for a bit to the Jacuzzi and that's precisely what we did.

In the Jacuzzi, things got a little hot, she and I started kissing passionately, and a kiss became a make out session, until I sinned on her and took her to the room without breaking our kiss. I laid her on the bed and then you know what happened but I won't go into much detail.

And at the end there I was, falling asleep on the edge of the girl I love.


What did you think of this chapter? I hope you enjoyed it, tell me what you want to happen next.


XOXO , Your Author

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