Chapter 9:

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We pulled up in front of a dorm for the college and I shot randy a wary glance before we got out of the car. I glanced around and soon enough we were surrounded by more men dressed in all black, some with bandanas covering their faces.

"Why are you wearing the female leaders jacket?" One of them demanded and towered over me but randy came to my side and shoved the man back.

"Back the fuck off, drake. She's mine. She's going to be my wife." Randy said and the man backed up with his hands up. "So everyone already knows the target?"

The men nodded them looked at me and I hid behind randy, wondering why I was being stared at. Please don't tell me I was being use to catch this guy.

"Baby, we need your help." Randy said and kissed the top of my head.

I sighed and looked at the ground. "What do I have to do?"

"We will point out the guy we need, but I need you to distract him long enough so that he drops his guard and we can grab him. He has info that we need." Randy said and we began to walk down the trail towards the main campus where all the buildings were. He held my hand and rubbed his thumb against it to keep me calm.

Soon enough we were in the quad and there was a man walking around, acing as if he was looking for something. I looked to randy and he nodded and I started to walk towards him, but when I looked back towards randy, him and the guys were gone. So I focused back on the task at hand and walked, swinging my hips and came up to him.

"Hey. Um. Im new here. Can I ask you a question?" I asked as I gently tapped on his shoulder. He turned and grinned as he looked me up and down. If I wasn't so focused on the mission I would have gagged.

"Of course you can, sexy. I'm marshal. What's your name?" He asked and held out his hand, which I took and stared into his eyes, feeling the guys watching me.

"I'm Rebecca." I said with a smile and then felt myself being pulled into his chest and his lips smashed on mine. My arms were pinned to my sides and I couldn't shove him off of me. But I did manage to bite him, and he quickly withdrew and slapped me before shoving me into the pavement, effectively skinning my hands. The stinging didn't stop me from jumping on onto my high heels and kneeing him in the groin. "Don't ever lay your hands on me!"

He grunted and dropped to his knees but not before I saw the glint of metal in the waistband of his jeans. I let my instincts take control and I dove for the gun, and managed to grab it just before he went to grab me. He got my ankle that was already damaged and I screamed in pain.

Almost instantly his hands were gone and I held the gun tight in my hands as I was lifted up into someone's arms, but he didn't smell like randy so I instantly started to struggle.

"Drake, take her home. Clean her wounds." Randy said and nodded to him. "Honey, I'll text your phone with the PIN number okay?"

I nodded and locked my eyes on my boyfriend. He looked furious and started to punch marshal before drake carried me away from the scene and back to a black SUV. I was placed in the passenger seat and drake went around and got in the driver seat.

"So what's your name?" Drake asked after starting the SUV and racing out of the parking lot towards the edge of town.

"I'm Kylie." I said and stared out the window as I felt my phone go off. I pulled it out of my pocket and looked at the text message.

Pin is 1030 to get to penthouse. Don't let anyone see. I'll be home soon. -r

I smiled and then put my phone back in my pocket and felt my hands stinging again. There was some blood but not much. Maybe I could get used to being Randy's girl. He was quite caring, but being pregnant by a gang leader was going to be really difficult.

"Well, welcome to the shadows, Kylie. Be prepared, you've basically got a target on your back now. But not one of the men in our Gang will let you get hurt. You're well protected." Drake said as he hit a button on the dash and a door opened up to an underground garage at our building.

"I'll fix myself, drake. You take it easy." I said when I got out and walked towards the elevator.

"No can do. Until randy is back I have to stay with you." Drake said as he covered his eyes when I entered the pin then we were up to the penthouse. I entered the apartment and instantly felt relaxed. I'm lucky that marshal didn't rape me. When I shivered drake came closer and stared at my face. "Are you alright?"

"I'm alright. Just cold and little tired." I said and smiled softly. "I'm going to take a shower and head to bed, so stay out here." I said and he nodded as I went into Randy's room and shut and locked the door before stripping and going into the bathroom.

After my hot shower I dressed in a pair of my panties and one of Randy's shirts. All of my clothes had been moved in here. Did randy do this while I was sleeping yesterday? He must have.

I curled up in bed, alone, and sighed. Where was randy. So I grabbed my phone off the nightstand and texted him. But instead got a cal back.

"Hello?" I asked and heard moaning in the background. My heart sunk and shattered into pieces.

"Oh, randy! I knew you would be back!" The girl moaned and I couldn't stop the tears. I sobbed into the phone and soon there was a gasp and the phone call ended. He broke his promise. So I sent him a final text.

Goodbye randy. -k

I got up and went over to the desk and started to write a letter for randy.


I trusted you. But I get a call to a girl moaning your name. How could you? I was honestly falling hard for you and this is how I get repaid? Well fuck you. I'd rather be dead than have your baby and be stuck with you. So go have fun with your slut. I'm gone. And this time I am finally no ones property.

I loved you.


Then I left it there and walked into the bathroom and searched through the draws until I found what I wanted. Razor blade. I drew a bath and stepped into it in the clothes I was wearing. My head relaxed against the edge and I made the first cut, not deep enough.

Second cut, even deeper and I felt dizzy.

Third cut, vision got blurry.

Fourth cut, body felt really warm and eyes got heavy.

Fifth cut, whispered out loud. "I'm sorry I wasn't good enough."

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